Chapter Ten: Caught

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"Allison," Victoria Argent called her daughter back after class. "We've noticed quite a few calls from your phone to the odd one...Stilinski."

"Oh, you told me to keep an eye on Lydia, and he's had a crush on her since, like, third grade, so..." shrugged Allison. "I'm gonna have to talk to him."

"I know it's hard," said Victoria. "Sitting here, trying not to talk to him, but think of how strong it makes you! Especially when all these other girls are just sitting here letting their lives be defined by some boy they're just praying will take them to senior prom."

"Can't I be strong, and go to prom?" asked Allison. "Besides, it doesn't matter. No one here likes me that way."

"Of course," laughed Victoria. "But with someone else. Remember, so long as you stay strong, we won't have to kill a sixteen-year-old boy."

Allison went to the preserve as soon as she could, finding Stiles texting on Jackson's phone. "They know," she informed him.


"They know Jackson's missing!"

"No, they can't, I've been texting his parents since last night, they don't have a clue!" Stiles protested, holding up Jackson's phone.

"My grandfather told me his parents went to the police," Allison told him. "They know."

Stiles dropped the phone and dashed to the front of the van, turning on the police radio. "All available units, proceed to Beacon Hills Preserve as instructed. Proceed with caution until Sheriff Stilinski's arrival. Repeat: proceed with caution."

"Where are we going?" Allison asked, buckling the passenger-side seat.

"Somewhere very far away from this," Stiles said, calling Jackson's parents and then throwing the phone out of the window, before hitting the gas pedal.


"Are you sure everything's okay between you and Jackson?" asked Scott, back at the school.

"Yeah," Danny nodded. "Everything's fine." He looked through his wallet and groaned. "Did the cops have to take my fake ID?"

"You didn't do anything to make him angry?" Scott pressed.

"How angry?" Danny laughed.

"On a scale of one to ten, one being kind of irritated and ten being...wanting to kill you? Violently?" Scott not-so-subtly asked.

"Jackson's kind of always at a four," shrugged Danny, pulling his shirt back on, "but, we're good. I was actually doing him a favor."

"What favor?" Scott asked, curious.

"I was recovering a video for him," Danny informed Scott. "I put it on my tablet...which is in the trunk of my car...and probably still at the club!" he cursed.

"What was on the video?" asked Scott.

"I'm not really supposed to say," Danny told Scott.

"Danny, what if I told you that this could be a matter of life or death?" Scott told him.

"I'm not supposed to say," persisted Danny.

"What if I told you I could get your fake ID back?" Scott suddenly thought of something, and Danny looked up eagerly.


Scott raced out of Danny's hospital room, only to run straight into his mother.

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