Chapter Six: The Kanima

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Back at the pools, Stiles was finally talking. "All right, the thing was pretty slick-looking. Skin was dark, a kind of pattern...I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Okay, because I have somebody I really need to talk to."

Derek glared at him, and Stiles resumed talking, rolling his eyes as he did so. "Okay, fine, eyes, um, eyes were yellowish...and slitted. Has a lot of teeth, oh, and it's got a tail, too. Are we good?" He looked at Derek and Erica, who were both now looking up.

"What?" Stiles demanded. "Wait, have you seen it? You have this look on your faces like you know exactly what I'm talking about."

Stiles turned around and saw the creature; Derek immediately shifted as the creature leapt down from its high perch and promptly threw Erica into the wall, where she fell to the floor, unconscious.

"Run!" shouted Derek, but as he was about to start running, Stiles noticed something.

Something very, very bad.

"Derek, your neck." Stiles looped Derek's arm around his shoulders and the duo began stumbling around the pool, trying to escape the monster.

"Hurry! Call Scott!" instructed Derek, and Stiles fumbled for his phone, dropping it and accidentally throwing Derek into the deep end.

He glanced at his phone, then at the slowly drowning Derek, before sighing and jumping in to save Derek.

"Where'd it go?" panted Stiles once they reached the surface, Derek's arm looped around his shoulders once more as the younger boy tried to hold Derek up in the deep end. His head swiveled from side to side, looking for the creature. "Can you see it? Maybe it took off."

There was a loud screech that reverberated around the pool, and Derek glanced at Stiles. "Maybe not."


Scott couldn't stop trembling. He was in the Argents' house, of all places - how had he gotten into this situation? Why? Why had he even agreed to go, this was only supporting the idea that he and Allison were dating! Did he have a freaking death wish?

"Oh, good, you're back," Victoria Argent called from the kitchen. "Dinner's almost ready.

"How was the game?" Chris asked, looking up as he poured some wine into a glass.

"Why don't you ask the star player?" Gerard said proudly, and Scott stepped forward sheepishly, raising a hand to wave at the Argents, whose faces turned angry immediately.

"Hi," Scott mumbled.

The dinner was way too silent for anybody's liking, but maybe it was better that way. Gerard clearly had no clue that Scott was a werewolf.

But then Gerard spoke up. "All right," he said, "why is everyone so quiet? Is it that uncomfortable that they dated?"

"Did you ask them if they'd be uncomfortable?" Chris asked tightly, clutching a butter knife as though he desperately wanted to hurl it into Scott's chest.

"We didn't date," Scott added, eyes fixated on the butter knife.

"Oh," Gerard paused. "I'm sorry, you two just - Chris said you were close and then had a fight, and I assumed. If you weren't dating, then what were you?"

"Best friends," Allison told him. "I mean, we were best friends. Not anymore."


"Can you get me out of here before I drown?" Derek asked, back in the pool.

"You're worried about drowning?" Stiles asked, amazed. "Did you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth?"

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