Chapter Fourteen: Werewolves and Hunters

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"Hey! Can't talk, gotta run," Stiles said to his father, who arrived just as Stiles had to leave for the rave.

His father got out of the car and didn't look at his son, walking inside.

"Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait," Stiles rushed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Stilinski shook his head.

"Where's your gun?" asked Stiles, glancing down at his father's empty holster.

"I left it at the station, along with my badge," sighed Noah Stilinski.

"What?" Stiles stared at him.

"You know what, we'll - we'll talk about this later," Noah sighed.

"Dad - " tried Stiles.

"Don't worry about it," Stiles' father shook his head at him.

"Dad!" cried Stiles.

"It was decided that the son of the police chief stealing police property and having a restraining order filed against him by one of the town's most respected attorneys...did not reflect well, on the county," Noah told Stiles.

Stiles tried to blink away the tears. "They - they fired you," he managed.

"No, it's a - a leave of absence," his father shook his head. "It's temporary."

"Did they say it was temporary, or - " Stiles looked at his father questioningly.

"Actually, no," sighed Stilinski. "But you know, it's fine, don't worry about it. We're going to be fine."

"Dad!" Stiles called as his father began to walk inside. "I don't get it, why aren't you angry at me?"

"I don't know," Noah told him. "Maybe I just don't want to feel any worse than I already do by, ah, having to yell at my son."

"Oh, shit," swore Stiles, watching his father walk inside. He spent the time driving to Scott's house crying, and then a good five minutes parked in Scott's driveway, waiting for Scott, wiping away his tears.

What kind of son got his own father fired?


The Jeep arrived at the rave right on schedule despite everything, and Scott and Stiles got out.

"Hey, you okay?" Scott asked Stiles as he opened his trunk.

"Yeah, why?" Stiles asked.

"You just...didn't say anything on the way here," Scott told him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just grab the other bag?" Stiles asked him.

"I can't, remember? Deaton said you had to do it alone," Scott reminded him.

"Okay, this plan is really starting to suck," grumbled Stiles.

"No, not here, not now," Scott was looking around.

"Scott - wait, Scott - what am I supposed to - " Stiles watched as his friend ran off. "Plan officially sucks!" he called, knowing his friend wasn't listening.


Scott made it inside of the club, where he spotted Allison and Matt. Erica and Isaac were here, too, but Scott knew they were here because of the plan.

"Matt, give me a second, okay?" Allison asked, once she saw Scott.

"What are you doing?" demanded Scott, pulling her aside.

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