Chapter Seven: A Different Kind of Test

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Erica dragged a struggling Jackson into the abandoned Beacon Hills Rail Station, which was the Hale Pack's hideout. Once she'd arrived, Isaac grabbed him, too, so Erica didn't have to deal with his struggling all on her own.

"What happened to you on the night of the full moon?" Derek asked Jackson.

"What?" Jackson panted, staring at the alpha. "Nothing. Nothing happened."

"You're lying," decided Derek, putting black gloves on.

"No - no wait, I can prove it!" Jackson told him. "I - I taped myself."

Derek snickered, as did Isaac.

"You taped yourself?" the curly-haired beta asked Jackson.

"Yes. It was the full moon, and maybe while you were curled in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was preparing for the so-called gift your big bad alpha promised me!" Jackson shouted. "Well, you know what I get?" He glared at Derek. "Nothing."

He looked back at Derek, calmer now that he'd taken his rage out on Isaac. "You want proof? Let me get the video."

"No," Derek brandished one of the reflective shards from last night. "No..."

"What is that?" asked Jackson, as Erica and Isaac forced him onto his knees. Derek began walking towards him; Isaac forced Jackson's mouth open. "No - no..."

"You know, Jackson, you've always been kind of a snake," Derek told Jackson. "And everyone knows, a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom." He dripped a single drop of kanima venom into Jackson's mouth.

Jackson choked and fell to the ground, paralyzed. Derek sighed, displeased that his plan hadn't gone as planned. "You're still a snake, Jackson. Just not the one we're looking for." He walked out, and Erica followed him.

Isaac, on the other hand, crouched in front of Jackson, smirking. "You're still going to have to do one more thing for us. Well, actually, for me."


Scott woke up the next morning to find Isaac gone, but a strange note left behind.

I had fun last night. If Derek doesn't have anything planned for tonight, I'll come tonight. Either way, I'll see you at school today. Don't tell anybody; Derek doesn't want us associating with you guys without his permission.

- Isaac

"See me at school?" Scott sat up, rubbing his eyes blearily. "But Isaac's a fugitive, he couldn't even come to the lacrosse game the other night..."

Deciding to ponder the letter over the bus ride to school, Scott put on a long sleeve grey undershirt and a blue polo T-shirt, and headed to school. In his first class, he was met with Stiles, who rushed into class in his usual harried, unkempt style, and began rambling almost immediately.

"Hey, I just talked to my dad, who just talked to Jackson, and I've got really terrible, horrible, very, very bad news," Stiles said, and Scott turned to face him.

"I think I already know, Stiles. And how is Isaac returning bad, exactly?" demanded Scott, frowning at Stiles. "Let alone terrible, horrible, very very bad, or whatever the heck you were saying."

"Well, of course you'd say that, but he's all buddied up with the 'Leather Jacket Pack,'" huffed Stiles, as they both turned to look at Isaac, who had retaken his spot diagonally in front of Scott in class. Well, Stiles was looking at Isaac; Scott was more blatantly ogling him. Both boys could see the smirk on Isaac's face as he both listened to their conversation, and felt Scott's eyes on him.

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