Chapter Eighteen: Breaking the Rules

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"Mom?" Scott greeted his mother by the front desk with a sad smile.

"Oh, you scared me," Melissa sighed, turning to face her son. "Where is everyone - " she stopped talking at the sight of Scott, held at gunpoint by Matt.

"Mom, just do what he says, he promised he wouldn't hurt you," Scott told her.

"He's right," Matt nodded, and aimed the gun at Scott's stomach, shooting him. Melissa screamed, and down in the lockup area, Noah stood up, hearing the gunshot, and shouted, "SCOTT! STILES! WHAT HAPPENED?"

"But I didn't say I wouldn't hurt you," Matt reminded Scott. Melissa rushed towards her son, but Matt raised the gun. "Back!"

"Mom, Mom, stop, Mom!" cried Scott, clutching his stomach and looking towards his mother. It would heal, but he'd have to figure out how to explain that to his mother.

"I said, get back!" snapped Matt, still aiming the gun towards Melissa.

"Scott - "

"Mom, do it," begged Scott. "Please, Mom!"

"Get up, McCall," Matt instructed.

"MATT - MATT, LISTEN TO ME!" came Noah's cry from below.

"Shut - shut - shut up!" shouted Matt, sounding like a true psychopath. "Everybody shut the hell up! Now get up, or I shoot her next!"

Scott got up, and they returned to the lockup area, where Melissa was then locked in the cell.

"Please," begged a teary-eyed Melissa, "he needs to see a doctor."

"You think so?" asked Matt.

"Hey - hey, you listen to me!" shouted Noah furiously.

"It's all right! I'm okay," Scott admitted, but his words didn't have the effect he wanted them to.

"No, honey, you're not okay," Melissa sobbed.

"It doesn't hurt, Mom," Scott told her.

"Cause that's the adrenaline, okay?" Melissa explained to her son. "Please let me - just let me take a look at him, okay, I can help stop the bleeding - "

"They have no idea, do they?" Matt asked Scott.

"Please, let me just take a quick look at - " Melissa pleaded.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" snapped Matt, interrupting her. "Lady, if you keep talking, I am gonna put the next bullet through his head!"

"Okay," Melissa fell silent.

"Back to the front, McCall," commanded Matt. "After you," he glared at the beta, who started walking, still clutching his stomach.

"The evidence is gone," Scott told Matt. "Why don't you just go?"

"You think the evidence mattered that much, huh?" Matt glared at Scott. "No, no, I want the book."

"What - what book?" Scott stared at Matt.

"The bestiary! Not just a few pages, I want the entire thing!" Matt shouted at Scott.

"I don't have it!" Scott told him. "It's Gerard's. What do you want it for, anyway?"

"I need answers," Matt told him.

"Answers to what?" demanded Scott.

"To this!" Matt lifted up his shirt to reveal kanima scales, going up the side of his torso.


Allison held out her phone to her father and Gerard, who were downstairs in the Argents' armory. "He wants the bestiary," Chris read the text.

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