Chapter 16: Clara's Safety

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After a long night Clara stayed all night to read the whole content of the book, her eyes looks so red and tired while wearing an eyeglass. Her servant knocked on the door while she's reading. "My lady, It's time to eat. Your Father is calling you." as the female servant said with calm voice. "I-I'll be there just give me a moment" as she answer it.

After a while Clara is still at her room she's still reading the book, at the dining room where Clara's family is waiting for her to came but she's still not coming out her father stood up and he personally went to Clara's room he. When he's at the front of the Clara's door knocked and ask Clara. "Clara, com out and let's talk." as her father said,

"I'm busy you guys eat first" as she said. Her father give a big sigh, he sign for the maid to go. After the servant left he opened the door and walk towards Clara."Clara if it's about the knights that I'd increased for your care, I'll decrease it but you should at least take two or three and one familiar." as her father said.

[wait?...What did he say?...I'm not mad about that though...It's just that this book caught my interest...] *clara's thought*

"Is that true?" as she answered. Her father nod and pat her head. "Of course, I just worried since you're always escaping from your knights that protecting you...they got worried that they might get fired because you always disappearing.." as her father said.

[IM SO SORRY DEAR KNIGHTS!!!] *Clara's thought with a troubled face*

"But I'm fine I can use magic" as she said with calm voice. "Yes you might be right but magic needs mana, but what will you do if your mana depleted?...You didn't even know how to fight using your physical capability." her father said.

Clara's eye got widen and and sweat a lot her face looks so frightened and surprised. [WOW! MY FATHER IS SURPRISINGLY RIGHT!!...I DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT POSSIBILITY!!] *Clara's thought*

"S-so How about I find one myself?" as she suggest with stuttering voice. "And where will you find one?" as his father asked. "I-I will looked outside?" as she said with stuttering voice.

her father shake his head and he gesture a thumbs down. "That's not possible, recruiting a knights with unknown origin is dangerous." as he said. "H-how about my friend?" as she said.

"And who is this friend of yours? is he a boy or is she a girl?" as he said. "he is a girl!.." as she said.

"he?" as he asked. "I mean SHE!!" as she shouted.

"well then I want to meet this friend of yours...I will judge him if he can even protect you." as he said.

Clara stopped reading and looked troubled while her father staring at her suspiciously. [THIS IS BAD!!! I JUST SAID IT ON A HEAT!!] *Clara's thought*

"W-What if I have a familiar!?" as she shouted.

"I guess it's OK if I trained it hard..." as he sad.

"well then let's go and eat, your brain will not process if your stomach is empty after all." as he said.

"Y-yes....Let's eat" as she answered. [T-this is bad his training is like an spartan...will my contract familiar will be able to keep up?.] *Clara's thought*

after that Clara went straight to Hannah's house and kicked the door open while Scarlet, Aira, and Hannah's still sleeping. she went upstairs and reached for the doorknob while calling Scarlet's name. "SCARLET!!, I NEED HELP!!" as she's shouting Scarlet's name. Scarlet woken up by a loud noise she sat at her bed while rubbing her eyes, she heard a loud cracking noise through her door and got scared.

She get her wand and prepared to spell a water ball, the door has been destroyed by Clara's knocking strength and Scarlet fired her spell at the time when Clara's step his foot inside. "What are you doing!?!" Clara shouted. "I SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO IS ASKING!!" as she shout it back.

"So what do you want?, this is the first time I saw you looked so troubled and excited" as Scarlet said.

Clara's eyes sparkled as well as her atmosphere with excitement. "W-WELL MY FATHER WILL ALLOW ME GO OUTSIDE WITHOUT HAVING A PLATOON OF KNIGHTS!!" as she shouted it with excitement.

Hannah tapped Clara's shoulder and smiled with killing intent. "well good to hear but would you please fix the door that you destroyed?" Hannah said.

Clara felt a chill at her back and slowly turn her head until she saw Hannah's angry expression. "eek!" as she screamed. Hannah hit Clara's head with a folded paper.

after a while they go downstairs while Scarlet is preparing for breakfast.

"So what do you want on this early morning?" Hannah's ask a question.

"you see, to tell you the truth is my father will allow me to go outside but I need 2-3 knights with me or if I can get a trusted butler and familiar." as she said.

"So what is the problem just go and take 2 or 3 knights with you or summon a familiar..." Hannah said.

"I would do that If I know how!" as she shout.

Hannah give a big sigh and scratch her head. "My're the only noble who destroyed someone's door and you still need a bodyguard with you?...with your strength you can even matched up piccolo." as she said.

"And I didn't see a problem with taking a 3 knights with you..." as she said....

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