CHAPTER 14: Tattoos

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"By the way I forgot to tell this but you have an storage item right?" Bryan said.

Clara and Dian nods while their eyes are sparkling with curiosity that pressures Aira to blurt it out. Aira gives a big sigh "Y-Yes I do have..." as she said.

"I knew it!!!, I saw you using it when you were at the classroom!" Bryan said.

"so you were a noble!." Clara and Dian said.

[H-how did it come to that conclusion?...although they're not wrong..] *Aira's thought*.

"Huh?" Aira said.

"I know you were a noble because you have a storage item, Only high position who can possessed those items, like Clara..." Bryan said.

Scarlet and Aira got surprised by Bryan words. "WHAT!!?...IS taht true?" Scarlet said.

Clara nod and smile at her, Dian, Hannah and Bryan was also surprised by Scarlet's reaction. "You don't know?" Hannah said.

"Yes!...Wait!! all of you know it from the start?" Scarlet said.

"Everyone in class know it from the day when the class starts..." Hannah said.

"So what position is your family hold?" Scarlet said.

"My father is a count...How about you Aira?" Clara said.

[How should I avoid this situation?...] *Aira's thought*

"ahh!...I forgot to tell this but I have an small ancient scale shape tattoo under my right breast...." Aira said.

It take a while to get them embarrass to what Aira said. While Bryan's face is getting red and smiling ears to ears, Dian and Clara slapped Bryan and Hannah whispered to Aira's right ear while Scarlet doesn't know what wrong.

"Aira you should not said it on front of guys even on a public" Hannah whisper.


"AND WHY'S THAT MY FAULT!!??" Bryan said.

"come to think of it I also have a tattoo underneath my left breast." Scarlet said.

Dian and Clara slap Bryan on second time. "KYAAA!!! BRYAN IS A PERVERT!!" Clara and Dian said.


"Honestly how much the two of you has no sense of shame..." Hannah said.

" that I think of it I saw it 6 years ago when my father brought Scarlet at home..." Hannah said with curiosity..

"Can I see it Aira and Scarlet?" Clara said.

Hannah and Dian grabs Bryan's arms and goes upstairs, after that Aira unequipped her leather armor and put it on the storage ring and she undress her clothes only her black underwear was remaining same with Scarlet she unequipped her cloak and undress.

[Somehow this is kinda embarrassing...] *Aira's thought*

Aira lift her chest and Scarlet do the same and Clara started to inspect it."Yeah they're different...Scarlet is a D-cup if I say so and Aira is a C-cup..." Clara said with high voice.

"Did you heard it Bryan!?" Clara said.

Hannah and Dian glared at Bryan while Clara is focusing on the tattoos."But why Aira has the half of the ancient scale while Scarlet has one?" Clara's mumble to herself.

"But I think I saw this before?...where did I saw it again?" Clara mumble to herself.

"Is it not finished?...It's kinda embarrassing you know.." Scarlet said while blushing.

"Ah!..Sorry both of you, can wear it back now.." Clara said.

after Aira and Scarlet finished wearing their armor and cloak Clara's on a deep thoughts. "It's ok now!" Scarlet said.

when the three of them goes down they saw Clara at the deep thought."What's she doing?" Hannah said.

"ahh! she's on a deep thought." Dian said.

"What do you mean by that?" Hannah asked.

"When she always like that it's means that she's thinking seriously.." Dian said.

"really?...doesn't looks like's more like she's in daze though.." Bryan said.

"just leave her be..." Dian said.

"say guys you know the 7 sins?" Clara said.

Everyone nods except Scarlet, while Bryan counting the seven sins Hannah answered Clara's question.

"Yeah I know it, it's lust, wrath, envy, pride, sloth, greed, and glutton right?" Hannah said.

"Exactly, then how about the 7 heroes?" Clara said.

"Oh I know about it the seven heroes who defeat the demon's generals and demon king right?" Hannah said.

"Yes that's also right.." Clara said

"So what about it?" Hannah said.

"those tattoo's that Scarlet and Aira have is kind of similar to the book that I read, It's so similar to the legend of seven heroes adventure and they're sins that they carry.." Clara said.

"So you're saying that Aira and Scarlet has a Sins that they do and that's the cause of that tattoo?" Hannah said.

"exactly but it's kinda fishy..." Clara said.

"What do you mean by that? I can't follow" Bryan said.

"That's because you're an idiot..." Clara and Dian said.

"Where did it start to appear?" Clara said.

"6 years ago..." Aira said.

"That's the exact time when my father brought Scarlet home.." Hannah said.

"what did you remember 6 years ago Scarlet?" Clara said.

"hmm...?...Nothing I just woke up on Dark forest...and Hannah's father picked me up." Scarlet said.

"And where's your father Hannah?" Clara said.

Hannah start to make a sad face and gloomy presence the same with Scarlet, Clara noticed the situation and she apologize. "It's ok you don't need to said it...I think I already know what's happened.." Clara said....

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