Chapter 11

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Aira woken up and goes down stairs she saw Scarlet and Hannah eating a breakfast Aira's been invited by Hannah to eat with them. "Morning...Come down and eat with us" Hannah said.

Aira sat down besides scarlet and she take a bread and eat. "by looking the two of you seems like you're Scarlet's twin sister..." Hannah said.

"Yeah! Aren't we look alike?!" Scarlet said.

"Yeah...But you two are really looked alike that making me weird..." Hannah said.

"What do you mean by that?...."Aira said.

Hannah put her hands on her chin and her eyes looked up to the ceiling like she's thinking of something. "Like to begin with, you two don't know each other but you have the same face..." Hannah said.

"Yes you're right!..." Scarlet said. "Yep that's exactly why it's kinda weird if you two are not blood related then what are you two?.." Hannah said.

Scarlet and Aira began to think what Hannah said and Scarlet realized something. "What if we have the same mother and I'm being abandoned on the forest!?" Scarlet said.

[I think I've been heard it from you...] *Aira's thought*

"Lol!...Like that would be possible!" Hannah said.

"Remember we've been together since we were 8 years old?" Hannah said.

"Yes!, I remember that you still wetting your bed that time!" Scarlet said.

"Don't say it out loud!, you idiot!" Hannah said aloud, She slapped Scarlet and pout, she's been embarrassed and hide her face on her hat.

"Forget it ok!!" Hannah said to Aira.

Aira nods to her and continue to eat. "you're an exact opposite of Scarlet...Seems like you're's kinda making me awkward..." Hannah said.

"I-Is that so?...then don't mind me..." Aira said.

Hannah unconsciously broke the cup by her strong grip after she heard what Aira said to her, she got annoyed but when she almost hit Aira's head Scarlet stopped her.

"What rude freeloader!" Hannah said.

Aira take out the mushroom scarlet collected on the dark forest and put them all on the floor.

"Here don't use my storage ring as your warehouse..." Aira said.

Hannah's eyes has been sparkled and sprouted her tea by surprised when she saw all those rare mushrooms.

"W-wait where did you get this!?" Hannah said.

[ This feeling seems like her...are all witches are mushroom freak?" *Aira's thought*

"I'm very sorry my lady...can you share them with me?" Hannah said while bowing to Aira.

Aira's eyes goes wide and spark and smirk like villain. [this is alright right?, I will just teased her a little bit more...]

"Yes you may as long you will fixed your personality towards me." Aira said

"W-Wait they're all mine!!! I collected them all! you know!" scarlet said.

Hannah heard it and got annoyed. "How dare you to trick me!" Hannah said.

"I didn't trick you, you know It came from my storage ring right? so I have a rights to owned them..." Aira said.

"you've got a point..." Hannah said.

"W-wait you two! That's mine, without me you will not collect it and you will not know their value right?..." Scarlet said.

"Tsk..." as she ticked her tongue.

"Oh right!, I forgot we're late!!! we need to go to academy as soon as possible!" Scarlet said.

"Here's the duplicate key, if you're going out make sure to locked the door." Scarlet said.

Scarlet and Hannah get their broom and ran towards the door and leave in a hurry they flew from the sky and went out.

"They totally left me...What should I do?" As she said to herself.

[May be I can examine this country...What should I do to these mushroom...]

"oh well..." Aira said. she left the mushroom behind and locked the door, She wonder around and buy an skewers on stalls.

"how much for this?" Aira said. "Oh Scarlet! you're here!, Aren't you late?..." as the stalls owner said.

"No i'm not Sca-" as she said. "Oh!, by the way take this fruits home as thanks for always helping me, make sure to share it with Hannah....Goodbye!" as the stalls keeper said.

as she leaves someone's called her. "Scarlet!!! thanks for always taking care of my daughter here take this clothes with you...Then bye!...visit my shop soon!" As the women said to her.

[Woah Scarlet sure is popular...but what should I do with these bunch of foods and clothes?...]

Aira put all the languages on storage ring and left, she went to the World tree and sat down. [Scarlet is popular hah...What should I do now?..." as she said.

Aira lay down and someone comes to her. "hey Scarlet Why are you slacking off? don't want to attend class anymore?!" as the guy said to her.

"No I-" Aira said. "come with me...You're diligent child but now you're slacking off?.." as a guy said to her.

The guy grabs Aira's hand and carry her like a princess, He sat down on the broom and leave.

[This kind of misunderstanding is really making me feel guilty...]

They land of on academy and guide her to the classroom. "put me down?" Aira said.

"I'm your teacher you know. And where's your wand and your hat?...Ahh never mind here take this with you...Where's your brooch!!??, did you lost it?..." as he said.

He give Aira a wand and he put the hat on Aira's head and grab her hand.

"My n-" as she said.

"Ahh never mind I will get you one later..."

He put her down and he opened the door while they enter while grabbing Aira's hand....

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