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𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑦 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑚𝑒 𝑎 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟
𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢

In my room closet there were beautiful dresses and fancy clothes.But than my eyes came across the most prettiest dress I've ever seen I don't think anyone has touched it yet because there's still a tag on it.Snatching it out of the closet my eyes sparkle as I examine the white sparkly dress it was so beautiful

Placing it on my bed I excitedly run into my bathroom and get right into the shower.Washing up I hear someone yell from behind my room door that they were gonna meet me at the ball so I screamed back ok.After I was done I hopped out of the shower and dried off my wet body making sure it was wet anymore

Going into my room I get dressed for this night that hopefully won't become a disaster at all.Once I was done slipping my heels on I sat at my vanity and did my makeup.Finishing that up I made sure I curled my hair and put on the little barrett Mattia gave me earlier and examined myself in the mirror

Hearing a loud knock on the door I scrunch my face up and grab my purse standing up to go answer it,"who is it?",I say behind my door and instantly backing up I see that it's Josh with an angry look on his face he were about to hit me but Kairi smacked him in the back of his head with a bat

Looking at Kairi he shrugs his shoulders and I just lift me dress and step over his body running down the steep stairs with Kairi trying not to fall.Kairi grabs my car keys and we run out to the car leaving everyone else behind us
Standing in front of the building I watch as the guards just stand on the stairs with straight faces no movement occurred.Kairi were giving the keys to one of the people that worked there so they can go park my car

"My date is over there but all you have to do is walk in and I'm sure you'll find Mattia",he says giving me a hug and walking away.Taking a deep breathe I stood there for a while contemplating whether I wanted to go inside of not by the time I wanted to go in Kairi and his date were already gone

Slowly walking up the stairs I made sure to nod at all of the guards and they all broke character and looked at me in wow,putting my hand up to my mouth I giggle a bit causing them to realize they were out of character and they went back to the way they were supposed to be before

^𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘆 𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗺𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁

Finally making it to the door I squeal a bit because I haven't been to a ball in a while and i've kind of missed it i'm happy Kairi were still home to get me away from Josh.Taking a deep breathe and letting it all out I open the big doors and ran a bit holding my dress as soon as I got the stair well I looked around amazed

It got quiet so I looked down and everyone were staring at me.Walking down the stairs I spot Mattia walking to me and we both stop in our tracks smiling at me he bowed and I curtsied with a smile on my face.As soon as I made it to him he wrapped his arms around me as a song played and we began to dance

Having a wonderful time I giggle while being in his presence.I've missed this side of him more than anything and I wish I could see more of it when we were at home.I don't know whether to believe this is an act or it's actually real

Picking me up and spins me around as I lift my arms up in the air and once the song ended he put me down our faces inches apart and both of us looking deep into each other's eyes.He leans in searching his eyes I don't what to do so I just close my eyes,"Mattia,I don't thin-",I tried to say but than his lips touched mine and mine interacted with his

Pulling away from the kiss we couldn't stop staring at each other.But than I feel someone touch my shoulder turning around I meet eyes with his parents.They smiled at me and examined my face,"you look so much like your mother and father,but your just like your mother",his mother says to me as I smile at her

"You know your father is here?,there's gonna be a dance in a minute when you dance with your parents,i don't suppose your gonna dance with him?",Mattias father says causing me to look behind me at Mattia

"I didn't know of this I don't think so i'll just stand over in a corner and watch,but you all can have fun",I say putting fake smile on my face as I walk away hearing Mattia call my name I just shake my head no at him

The music starts playing and I watch as everyone began dancing with their mom or dad and I just stood alone.Looking over at Mattia he couldn't keep his eyes off of me.Running to the stairs halfway up them I hear my name being called and I stop what I was doing and turn around

"Mommy?",I say as tears form in my eyes.I thought she was dead Mattia told me he killed her.My hands were shaking and I couldn't move.But than she screamed look out turning around I see a guy in a black mask and before I could turn around and run down the stairs he fired a shot right into my stomach causing me to fall on my knees and hold onto that spot

I hear people shooting back at him but than he runs out and my vision began to get blurry as tears fell down my face,"No your not leaving me okay,I need you,hang in there don't give up on me just yet",Mattia says helping me up off of the floor and down the stairs

Laying me onto the floor he leaves me their going to get stuff.Coming back he rips the middle of my dress only showing where the bullet wound was and began trying to get the bullet out.Smacking his hand I put my hand out for him to hand me the tweezers and he does that but before handing it to me he sanitizes it

Sitting up a bit crying I stuck the tweezers inside of me quickly and yell in pain grabbing a hold of the bullet which didn't get pretty far I pull it out of me and than take my hand and press onto the wound keeping the blood from oozing out

"Pour alcohol on the wound and than give me the needle 🪡 and thread",I say to Mattia immediately doing what I tell him to do he pours the alcohol on me causing my head to fall back onto the floor and me to slap my hand on the hard ground

Everyone were watching what was going on and I could see that people were also hurt tears fogging my eyes I try getting up but Mattia stops me,"What are you doing you need to stitch it up or you'll lose a lot of blood",he says looking at me.Pushing him out of the way while holding onto my wound I signal him to grab everything and follow me

Making it over to a girl she had got shot in her arm so I worked my magic.And as I went around and worked my magic on everyone else I lost blood by the minute and once I were done I tried to hurry up and stitch myself up but than I just passed out and everything went...


𝟭𝟯𝟰𝟴 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀

𝟭𝟯𝟰𝟴 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀

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