
46 1 0

up with your turret
aren't we just terrified

Sitting on the edge of the street blood all over me even my face from wiping away tears.Looking down at my hands I just began to cry even more.Mattia was about to hug me but I get up and put my hands up,"Do not touch me,don't touch me",I say wiping my tears

"I had to kill him Hayden you know this already no one hurts you without dying,atleast he's gone now",he says while standing up trying to grab my hand.But I move it away and look at him he had a look of vengeance in his eyes

"You don't even care of what you just did you enjoyed it,Mattia I helped you I'm going down for this to",shaking I place my hands in my hair and look up at the sky while pacing around the dark area we were in

"I know and I'm sorry but can you just chill out and sit back down",he sighs while coming close to me,"Chill out?,We have to find a new hideout now Mattia,how many more times are we gonna have to move because of you",yelling the you part had made he fly backwards and hit a dumpster that was near us

Running to him with my mouth agape and my eyes wide I bend down and try seeing if he was ok but he grabbed my hand and pushed it away,"Don't you've done enough",he grunts slowly getting up off of the ground

We were about to go sit down but than cops pulled up and rolled their window down,"Everything ok over here?",the lady says eating the last of her donut.Getting out of the car she walks up to us and examines our bodies

Her eyes going wide as she sees the blood all over us she pulls out her walky talky and that's when we run to her cop car.Getting inside Mattia drives as fast he can,"Mattia they track these things we have to pull over and run",I yell at him.Glancing at me he huffs and pulls it over

"Don't stop running until I tell you to understand?",he says opening his door while looking at me.Nodding my head I open my door and we began to run down a street.The street were pretty dark but we could see a bit.A cop car seen us and chased us the entire way

Mattia looks back and grabs my hand pulling me into a dark alley way behind a trash can.Kneeling down I hide my head into the crook of his neck as the officer road past looking but I guess he didn't see us so he kept on driving

"I know a place where we can stay,let's go",he says getting up.Reaching his hands out for me he pulls me up and we walk to the far back of the alley way and there was a gate and some type of lever.Pulling it a code thing rises up from the ground

"What in the world you have hideouts all over the place",I whisper yell at him causing him to chuckle while putting in the code.Once he were finished an underground tunnel opened causing me to look at it in shock,"After you",he says smiling while pointing to go

Creeping inside I look around and it's huge inside.I guess we're walking into a hall because of the way it was structured.Smiling I look out the glass just staring at the plants among us.Happily running I get to the end of the hall and there's the living room it's huge and the greenery was so amazing

"I take it you like it",I hear Mattia say from afar.Turning to him I smile,"Like is a an understatement I love it,what does my room look like?",I state while running my hands through my now matted hair that needed to be washed

"I'll show you,oh your gonna love it",grabbing my hand he smiles at me causing my cheeks to heat up a bit.Dragging me up the spiraling stairs there were about 2 doors before mine.Opening the door Mattia walks in and turns on the light.There it was my room i've never been so amazed in my life

"No this has to be your room,there's no way this is mine",I ramble while walking into the room and pacing around examining every inch of the space,"This is your room,but if you wanna see mine you can",he says running his hands through his hair than putting them back in his pocket

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