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promise me you won't be gone 2 long
my dear

Cooking some breakfast I hear Mattia coming down the stairs,"BEBE",he yells from afar.Shaking my head but with a smile on my face I mix the food and set the spoon down on a plate.Turning around I sigh with a smile on my face as Mattia walks into the kitchen.Bringing me in for a kiss he hums onto my lips causing it to tickle and of course I giggled.The tall boy reaches behind me and grabs a piece of french toast

Eating it my mouth was agape because he just took the food when I wasn't even finished cooking the rest of breakfast.Smiling he playfully rolls his eyes and goes in for another kiss,"I wish the boys could cook like this princess,but it's good that I have you now right",he says aggressively chewing on the food

"Yes bubba,you need to stop chewing it like that before you choke or something",nervously laughing I place my hand over his mouth causing him to stop chewing.Removing my hand from his soft face he begins to slowly chew,"The only thing i'd love to choke on is your ton-",he was about to say but than Alvaro clears his throat following behind him was everyone else with bed heads

"Get a room,by the way Mattia we have to leave in four hours so I hope your shit is ready",the short boy with weird ass hair says to the boy in front of my eyes.Glancing up at Mattia I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows at him while moving my leg like i'm out of patience,"Where you guys going?"looking around the boys scratch the back of their necks

Acting as if they didn't hear me ask them a simple question.Forgetting the food was cooking I turn around and stir it one last time and than turned off the stove sighing and turning back around to face everyone else.The girls just took a seat at the table and after them  the boys sat down also.Which only left Mattia looking stupid standing in front of me just staring into my eyes

"That's what I was meant to tell you earlier but I got side tracked",he says taking my two hands and rubbing the back of them.He's making me scared to the point i'm gonna cry,"What Mattia?",I say shaking my head at the boy who's taking forever to tell me what the hell everyone is talking about

"Me and the boys are leaving for a business trip,we have things that really need to be taken care of",he says to me with a sad expression on his face same as mine.Taking his hand and placing it on my stomach I than place my hand on top of his,"Is it more important than your child?,i mean how long are you even gonna be away for godsake?",I say as a tear trickles down my cheek

Sighing and rubbing my stomach he looks down at our hands and than back up at me,"Your lives depend on it,if I don't go on this business trip bad things Will happen and it'll soon travel around to you and our unborn baby,so the only thing important is me and he boys going to fix this problem so nothing gets to you both",he calmly says taking his hand off of my stomach and moving a piece of my hair behind my ear he lightly smiles at me

"I'll be gone for three months an-",he was about to say but I interrupted him by pushing him away and shaking my head as tears fell from my face,"No that's way to long,I can't do it alone",I cry as everyone just looked at me with no expression on their faces.Hugging me Mattia rubs my back comforting me as I cry in the crook of his neck which smelled just like him

I'll be missing that smell for a while but it's for the sake of our little monster inside of my tummy.Sniffling not even crying anymore I pick my head up and look into his eyes,"Trust me I hate it being away from you to and you won't have to do this alone amor i'll be on the phone with you everyday,i love you ok stop crying",he says as his olive eyes adjusted to my brown ones

Putting a small smile on my face I take a deep breathe and let it all out.Reassuring myself that i'll be ok and i'm do good on my own for a good three months.Nodding my head at him he brings my head to his and kisses my forehead and than after that he kissed me on the lips.Hearing someone clear their throat we instantly looked at the group and it was Mariano

"Oh shut your ass Castano,I give your ugly ass permission to give her kisses around her boo boo's except for places like her ass and her vaginal area",Mattia states causing everyone to laugh.Standing there he looked confused as hell,"the fucks so funny you guys rats",he exclaims throwing his hands up

"Nigga who the fuck says Vaginal Area,you sound like a damn hill billy..no offense Vic",Xan says dying laughing as Roshaun accidentally pulls on her hair from laughing and she cocos her arm back and turns to punch him but than ends up punching the wall.Let's say there's a huge hole in the wall

"Xandra I hope you gotta job cause your gonna be working until you pay for that,if not you wanna come with us for a bit until you have the money to repair the wall",he says with a fake smile on his face.Smacking my forehead I shake my head these fucking idiots I tell you.Good thing the boys are actually going with Mattia because it'll be way worse if he left them with me.But Xan and Vic crackhead asses are gonna drive me wild..they smoke to much weed how am I gonna get help from them?..i have no idea i'll just have to wait and...


𝟭𝟬𝟰𝟭 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀

𝟭𝟬𝟰𝟭 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀

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