New Reputation

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I walk out of the school and hour after the bell rings to dismiss us. I was given a warning about fighting at school since I was new here. Axle, however, was given an athletic suspension and detention. It's what he gets for picking on my friend, The only thing now, is to handle this new reputation the right way. I walk to my car and notice there was someone parked right in front of me, sitting on the hood of his car. Levi.

"Hey Million Dollar Baby, how was juvi?" he asks jokingly. I cross my arms and raise and eyebrow at him.

"What do you want?" I ask. I was fed up with Richys for the day. "I have to get to the gym." I say as I open my car. He stands up and approaches me with his arms tucked into each other and smirks at me.

"That was pretty badass what you did back there to Axle." he says. I blush at the ears and I think he notces because he reverses his soft tone to a more direct "authorative" one. "I mean the guy's an asshole, so he deserved it." My ears are still hot. I've never been noticed like this by a good looking guy. Ususally they're older or not so good looking.

"Um, thanks." I say it like it's a question because I've never been complimented on beating up an asshole, or a dude in that matter. I'm used to SPARING guys, but not beating them up. I did that to girls, and in a. octagon or ring.

"Listen." he says. Usually when someone starts a conversation like that with me, it's usually for a favor or something. "It won't take long. But I wanted to know if you would be willing to train me?" he asks holding his hands like he's praying. I toss my bag in my car and start to tell him no but he already know what I'm going to say. "Hear me out, I'll pay you." he says.

"Unbelievable. You Richys with your money. You think you can get whatever you want with your money and everything is perfect. You think that everything is like it is in the movies. Well news flash Levi, it's not. While you were out flirting with girls and driving fancy carsand begging mommy and daddy for more money here in rich Jaspar Creek, people like me had t fight and work or what they wanted. I LITERALLY had to fight. It was what I was good at, and I worked aside from that too. I'm not training you unless you have a legitament reason for me to." I say. He's silent for a long time. "That's what I thought." I say getting into my car.

"Wait!" He knocks on my window and I roll it down. "Would you train me if I told you it was just because I wanted to learn?" I sit there thinking. I don't know. Ususally everyone who wanted me to train them wanted to beat some guy up, or prove themselves manly. No on has ever asked me to train them fot the fun of it. Boxing was being taken for grantied. The fact that Levi wants to learn just to learn was a bit shocking to me.

"That's it?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"That's it." he agrees.

"No fights you're prepairing for? No gangs or you owing anyone money?" I ask.

"What kind of neighborhood did you come from?" he asks curiously.

"Just answer the damned question." I say irritatedly.

"Fine. No, no gangs, money owning, or fights. Just plain ol' curiosity." he says.

"Fine. We start tomorrow. We get out of school at two-thirty. Meet me at the gym at three. No later, got it? If you want to box, start taking it seriously." I say. I begint to roll up my music but then I rememer something. "Oh, and bring three water bottles." I say. Levi looks confused.

"Why? Are you drinking one or two?" he asks. I chuckle.

"Oh Levi, all three are gonna be for you. You're gonna need them." I say. With that, I start the car and the speakers blare stupid loud. I pull out of the parking lot and drive back to the house. I begin to plan out the training in my head. Push ups, sit upsm crunches, jump rope, kettle ball, punching bag, combos. The whole nine yards. This kid's going to hate me by tomorrow.

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