Keep Your Head And Your Guard Up High

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I wake up on Saturday morning at six-thirty all by myself. I sit up in my bed and look at all the boxes i had left to unpack. They were full of my work out stuff for when I couldn't go to the gym. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and throw off the covers. I walk past the full lengthed mirror by my dresser and glimpse at my white tank-top thick strapped tank-top and baggy black pajama pants. I alk out of my room and walk down the long hallway to the stairs and into the kitchen. In there, I see Victor siting down at the table and a large women at the stove.

"Good morning Veronica." Victor say. I cringe.

"It's Ronnie." I say pulling out a chair farthest away from him. "Who is she?" I ask pointing my chin in the women's directon.

"This is Georgia Rose. She cooks and cleans for me on Tuesdays and Thursdays." he says sipping his coffee. Georgia Rose turns to look at me.

""Hello Ms.Ronnie. You fixin' for some bacon and pancakes?" she asks in a polite tone. I smell the meat frying in the pan and smile.

"Yes please. I'll take three pancakes and ten peices of bacon please." She does look at me wierd like most people do. I loved bacon and I need the protein.

"So Ronnie. From what Jack told me, I hear you're a boxer." Victor begins, putting his coffee down. I keep my face straight.

"Yeah, so?" I ask. He has a small smile on his face.

"Well, my good friend owns the local gym just down the road. If you ant, I'm sure you can stop in and get a swing or two in." he says. I just laugh at his use of the word "swing". Georgia Rose sets my plate in front of me and I thank her before digging in. "Alright ladies. I'm off to work. Ronnie I won't be home until six-thirty tonight. Georgia Rose will cook you some dinner and then she needs to go. I'll see you soon." He moves toards me, but then stops. He hesitates about kissing my head, then just leaves.

I finish my breakfast quickly and go to clean my plate. "Oh, hun you don't have to do that. I can clean it and you's best be gettin' ready for the gym.' she says taking my plate. I stare at her amazed for a minute. "Well go on now. The earlier you go, the more time you get in." she says. I turn and walk tot the stairs. I like her. I have to remember to be nice to her.

I walk downstairs in my white UnderArmour tank-top and sweat pants over my black MMA shorts. My hair was in a pony and i had my small gym bag with two water bottles, my boxing gloves and MMA gloves, tape and jump rope. I grab my keys from my pocket and yell to Georgia Rose.

"Ms. Georgia I'm leaving!" I shout. She comes walking rather quickly, holding and energy drink.

"Here. I'm sure those waters will help, but I love the red Gatorade. You have fun now you hear?" she says. I smile, thank her and walk to my car. I toss my bag into the passanger seat and turn on my car. I slowly back out of the garage. I type the gym's adress into the GPS and follow the sirections to the gym. I turn my radio on and turn the volume up ghetto loud. I drive down the roads with people staring at me agian. I didn't care. I knew what kind of people they were, and they could say something to my face if they had a problem with me. The GPS brings me to a large building with huge windows for walls.

I get out and walk inside with my bag and headphones in. Georgia Rose said that it was free to come and workout, but stuff like trainers and massages weren't free. I didn't need tose anyways. I walk and find the changing rooms. I pull off my sweapants and stand in my shorts and top. I slip in my MMA gloves and carry my boxing gloves around my neck. I grab the Gatorade and walk outside. I brush past two girls in neon pink t-shirts and white skirts. Tennis players.

"If you're looking for the men's room it's next door." one of them says. I turn around and look at her with a glare. "Oh never mind." she says with her cheeks turning pink. She saw my curves and realized I was a chick. Wasn't the first time it's happened. I walk to find the punching bags and slip off my shoes. I adjust my gloves, sip my Gatorade and put my earbuds in. I turn up the music so I cna't hear anything else but "Problem" by Natalia Kills. I jab, swing and elbox the bag. I circle it a little and throw a few uppercuts and overheads. I was working up a sweat. I stop after fifteen minutes and take a few swigs of my Gatorade. I take off my MMA gloves and sit on the bench. I catch my breath.

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