Being Stubborn

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When I get home from the gym, Victor is already there. He has a concerned look on his face and his arms are crossed. He more than likely heard about the fight today at school.

"I got a call form the principla at you school." he says with a stern voice. I wonder if he's really mad or he's just pretending to make it seem like he's trying.

"So?" I snap.If things like this happened at school a lot, he would have to get used to this "principle calling the school" thing.

"So? Ronnie, you do realize that starting fights at school is not a good thing right?" he says.

"Duh. But I didn't start it. I was actually helping someone in a time of need." I can see the pain of that comment on Victor's face. "My friend Corey was being picked on by some Rock-For-Brains. He was the only friend I had made today, and I wanted to stand up for him." I explain. He looks comfused and flustered.

"Ronnie, you don't understand. I know they let you off with a warning, but you can't just literally fight for someone. It's not like Eastside. I know fights are a normal thing there, but here--" I stopped him right there.

"Wait, wait, wait. Not like Eastside? What do you mean not like Eastside? So just because we don't have fancy cars and balcony homes or just because we don't wear Ralph auren or Chanel means that we're not any better than Jaspar Creek?" I ask. You can say whatever you want about me, but anything about Eastside is too far. Expecially if you haven't lives there for fiftteen years or are my ass of a father.

"Ronnie that's not what I mean--"

"No it is. You think that Jaspar Creek is perfect and Eastside is just dirt under your Italian leather shoes. Well I'll tell you something. If you expect me to take you seriously think again. You left for fifteen years and never did anything. Now you expect me to just accept you like that and pretend that nothing heppend. That I had to move. That my mom died?" I yell at him. He stays scilent and stares at the ground.

"All I'm trying to say Ronnie, is that, I don't think that you should get into anymore fights. I'm saying to just stop fighting, but just, not at school." And with that, he leaves. "I'll be in my office if you need anything. Georgia Rose had to go early. So I'm ordering pizza. Hope you like pepperoni." he says as he walks up the winding staircase. It was my favorite.

As I pulled into the school's parking lot, I was blarring "Paper Planes" by M.I.A. I found an empty space and parked my car. There was no sign of some pissed off princess claimiing that spot, so I leave right away. I put my earbuds in as I walk to the school across the parking lot. I continued listening to "Paper Planes" as I pulled my hood over my head. It was cloudy and the sun was nowhere to be seen. It gave Jaspar Crekk a bit of an eerie look because of all these fancy houses. It looks like a town of nothing but haunted houses. There was a slight drizzle today and the wing was barley blowing.

I walk up the stairs and wipe my feet on the old, dirty, fading entrance rug. My combat boots we used to this considering no one in Eastiside kept their grass neat. All it really was was gravel and mud. I pull my hod off and walk to my locker. I leave my headphones in as "Run The World" by Beyonce started to play.I grab my first two text books and close my locker. When I close my locker, Levi was standing right behind my locker. I didn't notice him, or even expect him, so I went into automatic defensive mode and punched him in the stomach.

He hunches over in pain. I immediatly regret doing this. I pull my earbuds out and bend down to apologize. "Oh my God, Levi, I'm so sorry. I wasn't expecting you. You scared the hell out of me." I say helping stand up straight. He takes a few deep breaths and waves his hand at me.

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