Happy Birthday

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Today was a big day for my family. It's Mom's birthday today, and she would have been fourty. I got a call from Jack this morning saying he was going to pick me up and take me to the cemetery to see her. I was excited but nervous at the same time. He said that my grandma was going to be there along with a couple of my mom's cousins. I came to a big decsion to make. Whether or not to invite Victor. I walked into his office and knocked on the doorway. He looked up and greeted me.

"Um, hey." I start off.

"Hello." he says, then continues writing whatever it is he's writing.

"So today is a big day." I say. I looks at me with concern now. "It would have been my mom's fourtyth birthday, and I wanted to tell you that you should come. It's your choice, but it will be me, Jack, Grandma Gia, and soem of my mom's cousins." I say. His face turns white and he stands up.

"Ronnie. You need to understand that that after your mother's family found out that I divorced her, they really don't like me. I don't really think that me showing up to my dead ex-wife's birthday is a good idea." he says. I cna't believe it. He's really doing this again?

"Wow. Just when I thought you changed, I was wrong. I'll be sure to tell you wished her a happy birthday." I say and leave. He doesn't go after me, so I just go to my room and get ready.

I was brushing my teeth when my FaceTime went off. I look to see that it's Levi. I answer it but don't hold it. "Hello." I say as i brush my teeth.

 "Hey. Are you okay? I saw you through my window and you look upset. What's up?" he asks. I spit my toothpaste out and rinse my brush and mouth before answering him.

"Today would have been my mom's birthday. I actually decided to invite Victor, but what does he do? He turns it down, using the excuse that her side of the family hates him." I say. I pick the phone up and I can see he's in his room.

"Well what are you going to do?" he asks. I sigh and rub my head with my free hand.

"Go with my uncle and just enjy what I can of the day. I'm done trying to be nice to him. Even after she's dead, he's still not showing up." I say.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. Go to your mom's birthday and have fun with your family." he says. I smile becaus I haven't seen my family in months. But then I realize why we're there.

"Can't you just come with me?" I ask. I did want him there. I wanted him to meet the man who got me started with boxing.

"Hate to break it to you, but this is your family. This is more of a personal thing. If it was something else, then yes. But you have to do this without me." he says. He was right. This was my family's business.

"Okay." I say.

"Hey, I have to go, but tell your mom I said Happy Birthday." he says. I like how he didn't care that she was dead. He acted liek she was still alive, and that made me feel better.

Uncle Jack honked the horn to his new truck. I run out and get in the car. i hug him right away. "Hey Ronnie kid. How've you been?" he asks.

"Good. I made a few new friends, and go to the gym when I can. School's boring as usual, but I'm hanging in there." I say. He pulls out of the drive way laughing. We ride down the street and I look back at Levi's house and smile.

"What's that about?" Jack asks.

"Nothing." I say a little too harshly. On the rest of the way to the cemetery, we talk about what's been going on. He's thinking about buyin gour old place back, got a new truck and a good job in the city. I tell him about Corey and the boxing competition and Levi. When we reach the Eastside Cemetery, I almost cry. It's been so long since I was home. I couldn't believe it's been so long.

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