Sketchy Idea

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By the time the weekend came around, I had trained Levi the basics. I wanted him to start sparing Friday, but he had to go out of town for some dinner for his mom. I was left with the whole weekend to myself. I left early in the morning, and I 've been here for an hour. I've ran, lifted, and hit the bag. I was still at the bag, punching and kicking to my music, which was insanley loud. I was in a good rhythm, and didn't want to stop, but my body was begging me to. I was used to going this long, but it's been a while.

Just then, my music changed and I was working to "POWER" by Kanye West. I take a breather for a minute then start up angain. This time, I get really in to it. I begin to hit so hard the punching bag is swinging back and forth and my breathing can be heard over my music. I begin kneeing and throwing elbows at the bag. Suddenly, I felt all the power inside me rise and I knew I was ready for it. I jump and turn around and kick the bag in the air so hard, it knocks it off the hook. I just stand there, panting and looking at it.

I look up and find a lot of people, mostly guys, staring at me and showing looks of good impressions. People lean over and whisper, but I don't pay attention to that. I just try to control my breathing and grab a chair so I could rehang the bag. As I grab the chair, I take a swig of  my Gatorade. When I look up, I jump and pull and earphone out. It was Cory. What was he doing here? "Jesus Cory, you can't do that to me. I was just—" I begin to tell him but he finishes for me.

"Doing some badass shit. Ronnie you have no idea what that looked like to all of the people watching. You kicked the bag off the hook!" he says with excitment. He smile from ear to ear and I just give him a wierd look as I hang the bag back up. I jump off the chair and grab my Gatorade again.

"Okay I may have only known you for a few days now, but you don't look like the kind of person who works out. What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I was on my way to the movies when I saw you in here. I decided to says hey and ask if you wanted to see a movie with me. Then I saw the you doing. . .that and got destracted." he says. "You have to register for a fight here. The gym always has events listed up front. Whoever signs up represents the town in the competitions. The winner recieves a HUGE prize and the town they represent recieves a lot of money to help restore the gym or a park or something. You totally need to register." he says. I just shake my head.

"I appreciate the help, but I don't think I'm gonna be fighting for this town any time soon. My home is Eastside, not here. I would rather go through cancer with my a third time than fight for this place." I say. I hope I didn't offend him, but he didn't show it. "Besides, I haven't been in a fight since my mom, well you know. I don't think I'm ready for it."

"Well listen, I have to get going, but at least think about it. And if you change your mind, I would suggest getting a manager, someone who knows what both of you are doing." he says. I say goodbye and Cory leaves. I get changed and walk outside, not even glimpsing at the sign up sheet hanging on the wall by the counter. I get in my car, but I don't start it. I just sit there, letting what Cory said run through my mind What eould Uncle Jack say? What would my mom have said? 'Do what YOU think.' she would say. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I want to, yet I don't want to. Should I ask Levi? No, he would say the same thing as Cory.

I start the car and drive home without the radio. I can't make a damn decsion about this fight. It's not like I was scared. I was just indecisive. I stopped at a red light and ook my hands off the wheel so I could pull my hair down. I shook it out and the air conditioner felt good on my sweaty scalp. I lean back and look ahead of me. An open road. No cars, pedastrians, or even cops. It was a two lane road, but it was hardly ever used. It was surrounded by nothing trees. Pine that it. Jasper Creek was basically on the hills, but it acted like it was Beverly Hills. I was in a Rolce Royals, and they were relatively fast. I've speed before for the fun if it, and I've never been caught. I just needed a clear head, so I grab the wheel and rev the engine as I wait for the light to turn green.

I count down in my head and as soon as the light turns green, I hit the gas pedal and the car goes flying down the street. I grip the wheel and hold on. I zoom past trees and just fly down the open road. And let out the deepest breath ever. I begin to slow down as I come closer to the houses. I come to a stop and act like I didn't just go from twenty to eighty miles an hour. I turn down streets and pull up to my house and turn off the car. I grab my bag and walk inside.

It was only eight in the morning. I had no plans and already worked out Cory said he was seeing a ovie and Levi was out of town. I decied to watch some UFC videos and take notes for Levi on Monday. I still couldn't shake the thought about the sign up sheet. Why was it buggin me so much? Did I really want to fight? It would take time away from training Levi, but it's not like Victor makes any plans for me. I could just stay an hour after Levi and work on it. But then I wouldn't get hom until late. It was probably the most difficult thing I've had to go through. I was beginning to get frustrated and had to destract myself from this. I got up and walked out to my balcony and breathed in the fresh air. I closed my eyes and let my head hang back. Suddenly, I heard my phone ring and answered it. "Hello?"

"You're totally doing that fight." says Levi's familiar voice. How did he know about the fight?

"How do you know about that?" I ask.

"Corey got ahold of my number." I remembered he was a computer hacking genius so that explains a lot. "He told me about you kicking the bag off the hook and I agree. You could finally leave this place Ronnie. You could leave Jasper Creek and your dad if you just sign up." he says. That was true.

"Why do you want me to do this so bad?" I ask.

"Because I want to see you happy. And when you're training, you look like you're having the time of your life." He was right.

"I don't have a manager though."

"Well, I might be able to help with that. You see, that's what my dad is. But, he hates wanna bees. He only works with the big guys." My stomach drops. "Just show him what you can do, and you just might be able to change his mind." he says. I wait a minute brefore responding. I decide to fight.

"Fine. But you owe me big time." is all I say.

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