Chapter 8 - Just a kiss

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(Cassia POV)

I headed to my room after dinner. Stark didn't notice we took Aurora out for a bit. Thank God. I really didn't want to be scolded like a child after having such a wonderful night. 

I changed into a cotton button down pajama top and matching shorts. I sit at my vanity and combed through my unruly hair. When I started braiding my hair for the night a soft knock stops me. Who could it be this late? I look at the digital clock by the bed. It's nearly midnight and nobody should be awake.

I head to the door and open it to see Bucky. His face looks confused and nervous. I don't think I have ever seen him so nervous before. I move to the side and let him in closing the door behind me.

"You okay Buck?" I ask walking to him leaving about two feet of space between us.

He doesn't say anything. He just stares at the floor with his hands in his pockets, his shoulders raised and stiff in full nervousness. 

I walk closer to him putting my hands on his arms rubbing them softly to ease him a bit. His shoulders settle softly but I notice in return his eyebrows furrow tightly. I take one hand under his chin moving him to look into my eyes. I use my other hand to softly rub my thumb between his eyebrows to loosen them as well.

He stares at me, his breath becoming quick and heavy. I suddenly notice how close we are, not even an inch between us. He looks deep into my eyes and I begin to unravel as well. My breath hitching, my heart beating out of my chest. My stomach tightening with butterflies.

He slowly places his metal hand on my hip pulling me closer to him until my chest is against his body. His other hand softly strokes my jaw. He runs his fingers into my hair and cups the back of my neck. 

He leans in, his forehead against mine. I can't breath properly. I know what is about to happen. He is taking his time. Letting me give him permission to kiss me. He softly brushes his lips against mine asking once more for permission.

Everything in my body tingles. I can't hold it anymore. I softly nod giving him the permission he has been kindly asking for. He presses his soft lips against mine taking in a deep breath. He waits a moment for me to press back. I do.

I open my mouth to his tongue, letting him lead as I have no idea what I am doing. I raise a hand up to his chest clutching his jacket desperately trying not to fall with my weakening legs. My other hand roams to the back of his neck running my fingers impatiently through his hair.

His kiss was soft at first, gentle, kind, loving even. Now though...Now it was passionate. I could feel everything he was trying to tell me with this kiss. He's been wanting to kiss me for a long time now. He's been wanting to tell me how he felt for a long time. He pulls me in closer as I lose my breath and moan against his lips.

Why am I moaning? I feel like I want him. All of him. I feel like if he were to take my clothes off I wouldn't argue, I would let him take me however he wanted. 

I pull away from his kiss at the thought. I can't let myself go there. Not after what Kirill did to me.

We both try to catch our breath. He looks into my eyes now. His sky blue eyes sparkling with happiness and a giant smile covered in joy plastered on his face. He loosens his grip on me and gives me one last soft kiss.

"Go to sleep, you need your rest doll, I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow." He whispers before he walks out of my room. Leaving me standing there. Confused, in awe, exhilarated, exhausted. 

I make my way to the bed forgetting about my hair because why the hell not. I smile and run my fingers on my lips trying to permanently record this kiss into my mind. My first kiss. It was amazing. Breathtaking. Unbelievable and unstoppable. 

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