Chapter 18 - Oops

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(Cassia POV)

"You need to keep your eye on the opponents foot when you do that move. And stop holding back" Nat says standing over me.

I am taking deep breaths. She just threw me down for what feels like the hundredth time.

"If I don't hold back I can break your bones, I have no choice. Remember our first fight?" I say taking deep ragged breaths slowly getting up. She managed to rip the side of my yoga pants on that last fight. I can see a bruise forming on my thigh. It's still not as bad as it would be for her if I threw my full strength at her.

"Yea don't remind me... Maybe we should have Steve do your training."

"No, he's done too much for me. If we ask him to do this he might as well be my nanny and not my boyfriend." I walk to my bag and grab my water taking a big swig.

"Well, someone that is strong enough to handle your real punches would make training you easier." She comes over and sits on the bench. She's frustrated. We have been at this training for days now and I still am holding back my capabilities. She needs to make a proper report of how I am doing to Tony and Fury but the way things are going she will have to put how uncooperative I've been.

"Bucky?" She asks looking at the floor..besides Thor who has left again, he is the only person left that can handle a direct punch from me. The problem is, the second he sees me my powers go haywire...The waves I get from him are too intense right now. I wish the dude would jerk off or something to ease me out of this.

I haven't slept with anyone other than Steve, worried about how he feels. It's killing me. I feel like I'm getting weaker and getting overwhelmed at the same time. Everyone's sexual frustrations are carried on my shoulders. Honestly it feels like I'm on the verge of a climax all the time. Its exhausting...

"Princess" Oh great, and then there's Loki. Who purposefully tries to get me aroused so I can practice my magic. I'm sure Steve is not okay with me needing to fuck him after each session.

"Yes Loki?" I sigh taking a towel to my forehead and chest. I turn to him to see him dressed up again, in all black this time with a shiny green chain hanging from one of his pants pocket. Hands in his pants standing straight and tall.

"Are you too tired for our session?" I look at Nat who is avoiding everything right now. I've told her what's going on since we started training. She honestly thinks I should just fuck him or Bucky and get it out of my system.

"No, I'm sure I have collected enough energy to do some real damage." I grab my water and towel and head to him. We have decided to do our session in my room. That way Steve can feel more comfortable. He didn't like me being in Loki's room the other day.

We head to my room. I drop my stuff on the corner. I'm going to love seeing Steve loose his shit over that later. I get a shirt to cover my sports bra. "No, keep it off" Loki says staring at me. I guess he likes what he sees. That'll help.

He grabs my hand and takes me to his space. "Alright, lets begin. Collect the energy in your hands"

"I know Loki" I sigh

"Then begin to act like it." He says angrily. What the hell got into him today?

I start concentrating on the energy I had collected earlier. I wrap it in my hands and throw it the tree in front of me. I barely did a scratch.


I try again. I can feel the energy in my body going away. I'm using a lot and can't do any damage. This time I make a scratch on the tree. My eyes widen and I jump up and down in happiness. I did it, I did some damage.

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