Chapter 1

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Moving half way across the country from your family is hard but sometimes its a must when it's time to build a life for yourself and my time is now.

The flight from Busan to Seoul wasn't as long as I thought it was going to be and I managed to grab something to eat at the airport before finding a taxi to my next destination which so happens to be my new home in an apartment in the centre of Seoul.

I'm a little nervous about this whole thing but texting my parents in a group chat keeps me from going insane with nerves and calms me down.

The taxi pulled up and I dragged out my suitcase from the back which was rather heavy, paid the elder man his fare and stood on the kerb staring up at the tall building. Its dark looking on the outside and doesn't look the best but it will do for now.

With a heavy sigh I made my way inside the building just to be immediately greeted by an elderly woman who was sitting on a small chair by an elevator. As soon as she set her eyes on me, they lit up and she smacked her book down on a small table beside her and came towards me almost in a rush on her little small legs. I thought I was small but this woman is so much more smaller.

"Kim Y/n, yes?" ?

I nodded unsure of the woman but her voice sounded familiar.

"Yes I'm Kim Y/n. Are you Mrs Si?"

Clapping her hands together, she nods eagerly.

"Oh yes that's me dear. Finally I can put a face to your name. Lovely to meet you." Mrs Si

We shook hands and then she turned away, taking out a set of keys from her pockets.

"Follow me sweetie." Mrs Si

I followed her to the elevator that opens up when she presses the button and I stepped inside with her, keeping my suitcase close by so that allows room for the both of us stand inside. I watched her press the top floor button which I was surprised since I didn't know about that beforehand.

"As you can see you're on floor 33. It's the top but the view is really good from up top. The laundry room is in the basement but it's really easy to find and there's Jo who works maintenance throughout the building so any problems just let him know but I'm sure Jungkook will keep you right." Mrs Si

She spoke quickly watching the numbers above the door go up while I just frowned at her, leaning forward to get better look at her face.


"Ah, yes. Sorry I forgot to mention your roommate, his name is Jungkook." Mrs Si

I forgot I was having a roommate but didn't know it would be with another man. That's not safe is it?

"Dear don't worry about Jungkook. He's harmless but that boy could smile once in a while." Mrs Si

It's as if she could read my mind or it could just be the worried look written all over my face. As friendly and as certain as she is about this Jungkook guy, I still don't know him.

The elevator finally came to a stop and Mrs Si made a skip out the doors first into the corridor to which I followed since I had no idea where I was going.

The walls down the corridor was plain, no decorative pictures or even plants laying around. Just a simple window at the far end of the hallway and the cream coloured walls. It was clean anyway so I didn't care much about anything else.

Mrs Si came to a stop and knocked on a door, calmly and shot me a fine smile before knocking again. When there was no answer she took out those set of keys again and unlocked the door, pushing it open herself.

I followed her in hesitantly but I still walked in after her. She held her head high and confidant and sighed when we were welcomed by darkness. No lights were on so it was hard to see the apartment just yet.

Hands on her hips she just looked around standing just a couple feet away from me as I closed the door behind me.

"This place could use with some light." Mrs Si

Flicking a switch next to her by the nearby wall the lights clicked on and finally the lay out of the room became visible. The living room was simple, corner couch, tv on the wall and coffee table in the middle. The kitchen was just behind that in an open space layout.

"Mrs Si?" ?

A deep voice spoke out of nowhere and Mrs Si turned to face the person and grew a large smile to her face. I couldn't see who she was looking at since this person was right around the corner but obviously it was my roommate.

"What are you doing here?" ?

"Jungkook, come meet your new roommate!" Mrs Si

She reached over and pulled on the mans sleeve, dragging him out the corner in force.

A man came to stand in front of me when Mrs Si pushed him to the front of her, still gripping onto his sleeves. I just stood there staring up at the man wearing his black hoodie with his hood up and a black bag over his shoulder. It appears he's about to go out somewhere.

"Y/n, this is Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook, this is Kim Y/n. Your roommate." Mrs Si

This Jungkook guy just stared at me blankly, his doe like eyes not reframing from mine for several seconds in silence until I decided to put my hand out to him.

"It's nice to meet you Jungkook."

He just glanced at my hand, gripping onto a strap hanging off his shoulder and then hummed at me before turning his back to me and faced Mrs Si.

"Mrs Si I specifically said I don't want a roommate." Jungkook

I heard Mrs Si sigh while I try to not act offended by him ignoring my handshake and already denied before he even gets to know me.

"I know, I know Jungkook but things change." Mrs Si

"You made me a promise that I would be alone here and that's the way I like it. No roommate, put her somewhere else." Jungkook

"I cant do that Jungkook. There's no where else for her to go and we really need the money so she stays here with you. Don't argue with me boy about this." Mrs Si

She pushed passed the tall man and stretched a smile upon her face towards me and took my hand just to dump a set of keys into my hand.

"Ignore his bad attitude Y/n, he's still harmless and these are yours. The bathroom and bedrooms are down the hall. I have to go now, but I'll catch up with you tomorrow to see how you're doing." Mrs Si

I thanked her and watched her leave, slamming the door behind her. After she left the apartment became quiet and I just stared at the door, scared to turn around and face Jungkook who I barely know.

"Are you going to stand there all day or move? I have places I need to be." Jungkook

I scoffed at him, turning around to face him.

"No one's stopping you from leaving."

Stepping to the side, pulling my suitcase with me I gestured towards the door. Jungkook watches me step back and just grunts before walking towards the door but pauses mid way of opening the door to look back at me under his hood.

"Just stay out of my way and we'll get on just fine." Jungkook

Stunned about his words I watched him walk out the door and slam the door even harder than Mrs So did moments ago. The seconds that door shut I felt relieved. Finally I could explore this place myself without him being here.

There's just something about him that bothers me and it makes me feel on edge just thinking about him.

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