Ava Part 4

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Jake and Holt had successfully gotten Holt's ex-boyfriend, Frederick, to come and help Sharon.

Now, Jake was pacing around the bullpen, trying to call Terry. "Terry's still not answering his phone. Why am I the only one who cares about this baby?"

Frederick laughed as he exited the briefing room.

"Hey, what took so long? Is she okay?" asked y/n.

"Yeah, I was just telling her the entire duck story, now that it finally has a satisfying ending" answered Frederick. 

Holt rolled his eyes.

"No, everything's fine, but I am a little concerned about Sharon's blood pressure. And this is a terrible environment" continued Frederick.

"I wouldn't call it terrible" said Jake.

"We're surrounded by criminals, there's no bed and you can hear the faint sound of someone screaming through all the vents" said Frederick.

"That's Hitchcock. His arm's stuck in a pneumatic tube. It's hilarious" Gina said.

Jake laughed.

"In my professional opinion, Sharon should go to the hospital" Frederick said.


Jake nervously walked around the hospital room. Terry entered the room, followed by Rosa.

"Where is she? Where's Sharon?" asked Terry frantically.

"Room 41B" Jake said. "Look, I'm sorry. I know you said -"

"Don't go to the hospital!" Terry said.

"I tried calling you, but you didn't pick up" Jake said.

"So you decided to do the exact opposite of the one thing I told you?" asked Terry.

"I thought it was the right thing to do, Terry. Look, she's in there with Captain Holt's ex-boyfriend, but don't worry, I made him promise to stop bringing up the duck" said Jake.

"What the hell are you talking about?" asked Terry.

"I - " said Jake.

"You know what? I'll deal with you later" said Terry, running off to Sharon's room.

"Seems like you dealt with me already. I got the gist, we're good" Jake shouted after him.

Holt walked over to Jake. "Peralta, can I confess something to you?"

Jake nodded.

"I didn't throw Frederick's duck in the garbage" said Holt.

"Yes, I know, sir" Jake said.

"I didn't throw the duck in the garbage. I threw it off a bridge" Holt said.

A young Captain Holt stared at the duck. He was standing on the side of a bridge. Holt pushed the duck off.

"Why would you do that?" asked Jake.

"Well, Frederick and me were having problems. He knew I disliked the duck because of its weak beak, but he insisted on displaying it anyway. I acted out in a petty manner. Just as I did today. I'm sorry that I wasn't more helpful" said Holt.

"It's fine, I get it. You might find this hard to believe, but I can be a little childish, myself" said Jake.

"Yes. You have gum in your hair" said Holt.

"Noted" said Jake.

"Hey!" said Amy, running into the building with Charles, Hitchcock and Scully.

"Hey! You guys came. What about all the paperwork?" Jake said.

"We got it all in" Amy said. "Filed 900 forms by hand in under twelve hours. It was tough, but worth it. We wouldn't have missed this."

"Also, we had to go to the ER anyway. Hitchcock's arm was mangled by the tube" Charles said.

"I'm in unspeakable pain" Hitchcock said, showing everyone his cast.

"Oh" said y/n.


"Ugh, this is agonizing" said Jake, pacing up and down the room.

"It's been over an hour. This has to be a record for the longest childbirth" said Gina.

"It's a girl!" said Terry, walking into the waiting room, smiling.

Everyone cheered and began to congratulate Terry. Charles hugged Terry, and everyone else clapped.

"Her name is Ava Jeffords. She's fourteen pounds, six ounces" said Terry.

"Whoa" said Rosa.

"Oh yeah, Terry Jeffords makes big babies. Guys, I just want to say thanks to all of you. Charles and Amy filling out forms. Rosa, I'm so thankful you got me here on that bike" Terry said.

"I'm thankful I could help" Rosa said.

"I'm thankful that I'm - " Charles started to say.

"Boyle, this is clearly a moment between him and Diaz" said Holt, and Charles nodded.

"Captain Holt, you brought me the doctor that brought my girl into the world. And Gina, I know you got past your fears and helped Sharon out" said Terry.

"I'm so happy for you, and I never want to see your daughter or remember this day" Gina said.

"Y/n, thank you for keeping Sharon company" Terry said.

"You're welcome" you said, smiling.

"And Hitchcock and Scully, I assume you're here for some unrelated injury" said Terry.

"That's correct" said Hitchcock.

"Jake. Can I see you for a minute?" asked Terry.

"Oh. Yeah" said Jake, following Terry.

"It's a girl" said Rosa, and she punched Charles on the arm.

"Ouch! Worth it" said Charles, grabbing his arm.

Sorry for not updating for a few days.

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