Chapter 27: Amazing House

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"What do you wanna do?" I ask Doug. He pull's me into the room "I don't know" he says.
"I have a couple of things for you".
"oh really?"
"Yes" I pull out a white tube thing "I cloned my.. you know for you"
"oh? okay".
I hand it to him and say "Yeah you remove the big cap and theres my um you know" I gesture to my pussy. "The small cap is so you can pull the sleeve back in after cleaning it".

"okay thank you"

"Yeah that's for when we're not together and you want to um..fuck me".

"oh? okay thank you". "Yep." I stand there awkwardly "Umm I'm thinking about making my LA

office my main office and just travelling back to Sacramento every now and then" I tell him.
"oh really? why?"
"Well im here alot anyway so I thought why not".
"true okay"
I smile then sit on the bed and look at my hands, still nervous. I pull my bag to my side then take a deep breath, "This is a nice amazing kitchen, dining area, living room, the kids have their own room, guest bedroom, pool, hot tub, a beautiful backyard, but..." I speak softer and mumble "But where are we going to put the baby?"
"i- i don't know, we could have he/she in here with us, or turn the guest room into he/she's
I bite my lip and look up.
"i- orrrr do you something else in mind".
"Baby no, no...where are we going to put the baby?" i ask in a serious tone. I pull a gift box from my bag and hand it to him. I watch him open it "I'm Pregnant".
Doug opens it and his eyes light up "oh my god".

Doug opens it and his eyes light up "oh my god"

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I laugh as tears fill my eyes. "I found out this morning."
"oh my god baby" He puts the box down and pulls me into a kiss as tears fill his eyes.
I smile and kiss back.
He pulls away "oh my god" He looks down at my stomach "oh my god".
I laugh at his reaction. I'm so happy this is how he reacted. "I originally took a test when Maya was staying with me because my period was late , but it was negative so I gave it another week and this morning I wasn't feeling 100% and still no period so I went and bought a few tests."
"oh my god" that's all Doug can say.
I cup his cheek and smile.
 "how are we going to tell the kids?" he asks.
"Well I dont really want to tell them yet. If that's okay with you. I mean I just met them and I
haven't even met your parents, you haven't met my family and I'm still at high risk of a miscarriage."
"Okay that's fine your right, and i want you to be comfortable".
"I'm about 7 weeks."
"oh my god".
I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest.
I hold her waist and whisper in her ear "i love you, so much and nothing can ever change that."
"I know baby and I love you with my whole heart, nobody could ever take my love from you. Your stuck with me now" I joke.
"either way i'd rather be stuck with you".
"Good. I'm glad baby. Im so happy" i smile.
"yeah me too".
I start swaying with him, as i place our hands on my flat stomach.
Doug smiles looking into my eyes.
"Our baby" I whisper.
"our baby".
"Can we sit back down my feet hurt, and my legs are tired."
"yeah" he lets go of me and i lay down "your so cute" he says.
"I forgot how tiring it was to try to grow a baby."

Doug laughs and snuggles me, I laugh too and sigh in content, as he holds me tighter.
"i love you and our baby" he says.
"And we love you too daddy." I smile. He smiles and kisses my ear.

"Do you think your parents will like me?"
"of course they will".
I smile "Okay."

★★Doug POV★★
"i love you 1, i love you 2, i love you 3, i love you 4, i love you 5, i love you 6, i love you 7, i love you 8, i love you 9, i love you 10, i love you 11, i love you 12, i love you 13, i love you 14, i love you 15, i love you 16, i love you 17, i love you 18, i love you 19, i love you 20, i love you 21, i love you 22, i love you 23, i love you 24, i love you 25, i love you 26, i love you 27, i love you 28, i love you 29, i love you 30, i love you 31, i love you 32, i love you 33, i love you 34, i love you 35, i
love you 36, i love you 37, i love you 38, i love you 39, i love you 40, i love you 41, i love you 42, i
love you 43, i love you 44, i love you 45, i love you 46, i love you 47, i love you 48, i love you 49, i love you 50, i love you 51, i love you 52, i love you 53, i love you 54, i love you 55, i love you 56, i love you 57, i love you 58, i love you 59, i love you 60, i love you 61, i love you 62, i love you 63, i love you 64, i love you 65, i love you 66, i love you 67, i love you 68, i love you 69, i love you 70, i love you 71, i love you 72, i love you 73, i love you 74, i love you 75, i love you 76, i love you 77, i love you 78, i love you 79, i love you 80, i love you 81, i love you 82, i love you 83, i love you 84, i love you 85, i love you 86, i love you 87, i love you 88, i love you 89, i love you 90, i love you 91, i love you 92, i love you 93, i love you 94, i love you 95, i love you 96, i love you 97, i love you 98, i love you 99, i love you 100" in between each number i kiss her ear and cheek.

She giggles out loud with a little snort which makes her laugh louder and harder.

▲▲Cole POV▲▲
I hear Kamala's laugh and it makes me smile. I've missed hearing laughs like that come from dad's room. I'm happy for him, after everything with mom, i'm glad he finally found someone.

◆◆Ella POV◆◆ 

My ears perk up at the sound of her laughter and I look up from my book, with a smile. i miss hearing laughs from dads room, it always made me smile even after what mom did, but im happy for him and her, she's great.

●●Normal POV●●
"If i could give you the world I would" Kamala says, looking into his eyes.
"Not if i give it to you first" Doug counters.
Kamala smiles and says "Baby you've already given me the world. This baby you have given me has made my world complete".
Doug smiles "good".

"May I have a bath please?" She asks.
"of course" Doug gets up and runs her a bath adding some bubbles.
Kamala smiles as she walks in to the bathroom and starts to undress.
"all set" He smiles at her.
"Thank you
baby" she says stepping in.
"Mmm" she instantly relaxes.
"your welcome" he smirks at her moan.

Kamala smiles,knowing that he will definitley take care of her throughout this pregnancy.

Doug walks out and lays down.
Kamala's smile fades as he walks out, she lays her head back and just reassures herself 'its okay, just because he doesn't want to be around you doesn't mean he doesn't love you.'

She begins to softly sing
♪"Your love is bright as ever Even in the shadows Baby, kiss me Before
they turn the lights out Your heart is
glowing And I'm crashing into you Baby kiss me Before they turn the lights
out Before they turn the lights out Baby love me lights out".♪

★★Doug POV★★
I hear her singing faintly and smile even more.

●●Normal POV●●
When she's finished that song she sings another 

♪"I see the crystal raindrops fall And the beauty of it all 'Cause
when the sun comes shining through To make those rainbows in my mind When I
think of you some time And I want to spend some time with you Just the two
of us, we can make it if we try Just the two of us (just the two of us)
Just the two of us Building castles in the sky Just the two of us, you and
I We look for love, no time for tears Wasted water's all that is And it
don't make no flowers grow Good things might come to those who wait Not to
those who wait too late We got to go for all we know"♪

"i love that song" doug whispers to himself.

"Dougie?" Kamala says realizing she forgot her toothbrush. He get's up and walks into the bathroom "yes my love?". "Do you have a spare toothbrush, I left mine at my apartment. I have
to take care of my teethies because pregnancy can cause dental issues and my smile is my best feature" she says fast, trying not to get emotional.
"yeah" he goes through the cupboard under the sink and grabs one "it's okay and your smile is your best feature."
Kamala blushes"Your so sweet."

"thank you, but do you need anything else".
She pretends to think "Hmm just a little kiss and your company, if you don't mind".

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