Chapter 56: Heart to Heart

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●☆Kamala POV☆●
I make my way back and go to the room, I guess Doug hears me as he walks in "hey are you okay?".

"Yes, im fine." I say forcing a smile.
"No you're not love what's wrong?"

I sit on the bed "I may have experience with babies and children but I dont know the first thing about being a mother, I'm scared. You've done this before i haven't, well physically anyway.
Yes I helped when Meena was a baby but that's different. And what about work, we're both busy".

"baby you're thinking to much into it, you will be a great mother. just look at how you are with Ella and Cole, they love you like you're their mother. You are their mother and you will be a great
mother no matter what".

"Doug that's different, they are grown, a baby is small and requires so much attention."

"yeah it does but you're already doing amazing".

"How am I doing amazing when all i'm doing is growing the baby right now."

"because you're going through so much in the process, you overcome those challenges whatever they may be".

I stop crying and think about it for a second. He's right, my body is going through so much in
order to help our baby grow, to nourish our baby and to keep our baby safe. So I am already a mother.

"you have done so much to keep our baby protected and you don't even know, that makes you a mother".

I wrap my arms around him and sniffle "oh my god you are right."

●★ Doug POV★●
I smile and hold her tight "see I told you".

"Baby i know our baby cant hear yet but can you please bond with our baby?"

"of course i will" I assure her.

"No i mean now, I read that some daddys are distant and feel left out and that bonding with the unborn baby is a good way to feel involved ."

"yeah that's fine" I say as she lays back and lifts up her shirt. I kiss her stomach and smile "hi baby Emhoff"I smile and watch him.

"i'm your daddy and you have two siblings Cole and Ella"

Kamala runs her fingers through his hair and giggles. Watching him fills her with joy.

●☆Kamala POV☆●
I feel bubbling in my chest and burp, giggling even more.

●★Doug POV★●
I smile "and your mommy is one of the best mommies in the world". She notices the door open and sits up fast.

"what?" I question then I look at the door and get up to close it.

"Sorry I was worried it was your mom."

"it's okay" I kiss her gently and she kisses back smiling.

"Thank you" she says.

"You're Welcome" I kiss her stomach again "and as i said, you have one of the best mommies in the whole wide world".

"Do you have to throw up? I can hear bubbles in your stomach".

"No its a different feeling that i can't explain."

"Hmm okay, but anyways" I say going back to her stomach "and your gonna have the best siblings ever too, they already love you actually Ella, your sister has a picture of you in her room. To have you, with someone I truly love is something I'll never forget".

Kamala gets all emotional and just listens to me.

"I mean your mom is the most beautiful person I've met, she's loving and kind, she has her off days but that doesn't mean she can't make anyone smile, she's the light at the end of a dark tunnel, she's the one who can make a room light up with joy just with her presence, and I
hope you're the same, I mean you probably will be but still".

"Oh Dougie" she cries.

I smile and wipe her tears whilst continuing "Kamala i mean her name is even beautiful".

"I mean i'm sure you'll have one too" I say then focus my attention on her "yes my love?"

"Why are you so sweet?"

"because I like to be".

She smiles and looks into my eyes as I play with his hair.

I smile and kiss her stomach once more. I look deep in her eyes

"I love you" she says softly.

"i love you too"

Kamala smiles and wriggles her way down in my arms.

I smile and kiss her nose.

"hi!" she giggles.


●☆Kamala POV☆●
I kiss him and look up at him. "I cant wait for our baby to kick."

"me too" he smiles.

"Do you have any names in mind?"

"Ummm Keara, or kai something with a K".

I think for a minute, "Well if it's a girl have a name in mind but it's long" I say looking at our hands as i intertwine our fingers.

"that's fine what is it?"

"Well Kali Shyamala Barbara Nalini Emhoff. Kali was a Hindu goddess who was fierce. Nalini has different meanings such as most beautiful or like the lotus and gentle one."

"I do like that" he says.

"But im not sure about a boy name yet."

"how about devi? i heard for a boy it means gift of god but I don't want to be wrong".

"Yes and it can mean lord too. How about, Devi Douglas Michael Emhoff?"

"Yeah i like that"

"Yeah? Our little Kali or Devi?"

He smiles "Yeah" I kiss him softly.

When our kiss ends I press my forehead against his.

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