20) Dreams (7)

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Aether's POV

"I'll have an Almond Tofu please." Xiao says looking over to Chef Mao breaking away eye contact.

'Seriously? Why'd he look at the menu for so long if all he wanted was just Almond Tofu.'

"You sure like Almond Tofu.." I said nervously not know what to say.

Xiao replied to me with a nod.

"Xiangling can you get his order?" Chef Mao asks Xiangling.

"Alright!" Xiangling replied to Chef Mao.

Xiangling started clean up around the messy booth a bit.

"Just one moment, I need to move a few things." Xiangling said bending down to pick up some boxes.

"I'll help you!" Lumine rushed over to Xiangling and offered to help.

"Oh, it's alright-" Xiangling was cut off by Lumine already grabbing the box out of Xiangling's hand.

"I really want to help you!" Lumine said looking at Xiangling in the eyes.

Suddenly Xiangling turned red and immediately looked away from Lumine.

"Fine fine! Just play those boxes in that corner." Xiangling said looking away bright red pointing her index finger at a corner in the small booth.

"Alright!" Lumine said and immediately went to place the box down.

Xiangling handed Xiao the Almond Tofu which was inside a plastic food container as well as a fork and some napkins.

"There aren't any chair over here, but there are some benches over there if you prefer to sit while eating." Xiangling told Xiao pointing over to some benches in the distance.

"Ah, thank you." Xiao thanked Xiangling looking up from his phone taking the plate out of her hands.

Xiangling gave Xiao a big smile very proud of what she had made.

"Xiao should we go dit down so you can eat?" I asked Xiao.

"Sure." Xiao replied blandly.

"I'll go tell Lumine that!" I said to Xiao going over to Lumine who was staring at Xiangling.

"Lumine?" I said waving my hand in front of her face to get her attention.

"Ack! Since when did you get here!" Lumine replied quickly with her cheeks pink.

"Me and Xiao are going to some benches so he can eat, want to come." I asked Lumine.

"No way! This is the perfect time for you guys to be alone! I'll stay here." Lumine replied and soon started looking over at Xiangling cooking some food.

"Oh, alright." I said a bit concerned if Lumine was going to be okay.

Me and Xiao sat down on the bench, it was loud from the festival but Xiao and I stayed silent.

Xiao started to eat his food but I couldn't help but stare, he just had looked so handsome. This felt like a scene from a romance show.

"Want some?" Xiao asked looking over to me as I had been staring.

"W-what? I'm fine! I'm not hungry!" I replied to Xiao, not being able answer him properly since i had been so flustered.

My stomach randomly growled, I felt so embarrassed, my face had probably been burning up more than it already was.

"Are you sure? I don't mind sharing with you." Xiao said looking at me submissively.

"A-alright." I gave into Xiao as I couldn't possibly deny him when he looks like that.

"Alright, stay here I'll go get another fork then." Xiao said.

"O-okay!" I replied.

"Xiangling suddenly can't find any forks, you can just have the rest." Xiao says sitting down.

'You've got to be kidding me, this is definitely Lumine's doing!' I thought to myself.

"It's alright! It's you're food, you can have the rest!" I said declining Xiaos offer.

"No, it's okay you can have the rest." Xiao replied back.

"No it's alright, it's your food." I replied back.

"But I'm not hungry anymore, you can have the rest." Xiao argued back with me.

"Well, then I'm not hungry anymore either! So just eat it!" I argued back.

Me and Xiao kept arguing back and forth so we just shared the the dish with the same fork.

'How embarrassing.' I thought to myself embarrassed.

"Here." Xiao said giving me the fork.

"It's fine, I'm not hungry anymore! Hmph!" I replied to Xiao madly.

"Are you mad at me?" Xiao looked at me sadly.

"W-what- no!" I replied to Xiao feeling bad.

"Of course not! I'm not that petty." I smiled back a Xiao.

"Eat." Xiao demanded putting the fork in front of my face.

"I'm really not hungry anymore-" I was saying as my stomach betrayed me by rumbling.

"I'll feed you then." Xiao said.

"What? What difference does that make!" I protested.

"Open your mouth." Xiao said putting the fork in from of my face again.

"A-alright." I gave in and opened my mouth for him to feed me.

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