Easy does it

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Celene's ~P.O.V~

I woke up to my grandmother slowly shaking me. The light from the curtain made me automatically shut my eyes. I looked around the room while scratching my head and then the headache came at me.

"Morning Grandma" I managed to croak. She replied and offered me some ginger tea because I didn't look too good while checking my temperature with the back of her hand then exited the room to prepare the cup of tea.

I used the time to make my bed and brush my teeth, wash my face and change my clothes. My memory of last night was hitting me in pieces and one part that I clearly remember is what he told me before I ran inside. He was coming back tonight.

A smile crept onto my face. I couldn't hold back. This was exciting, the last time I was excited was to start high school. My face went straight when my grandmother returned with the cup of ginger tea to make me feel better, her presence reminded me of reality. I can't march out of the house to go see him and my grandmother needs to know what I'm doing, I feel terrible hiding it from her but at the same time I wanted this new experience that was making me happy and creating actual memories. It was outside of my norm and that's all it took for me to start a whole pep talk at my conference table in my head that was populated by my many personalities.

So, mature me decided, yes it is nice that you are experiencing something new and exciting but you must slow down, you know nothing about this boy, don't be quick to throw your good family relationship and inner peace away to accommodate a stranger who may be no good for you.

Rebelious me thought, hey listen, you only live once, you spent 2 years crushing on a boy who you only ever smiled with and has a girlfriend for who knows how long now. Now this boy appears out of nowhere and you are sensing his presence, he is whispering in your ear making you weak in places you didn't know you could feel and holding you by the waist giving you goosebumps everywhere. I say give it a shot, if it fails your whole life is ahead of you and you'll always have you.

Then anxious me said, oh but he is cute, what if he has a girlfriend and he was just being nice, or he is a kidnapper who wants to gain my trust so he can sell me on the black market or he can be only interested in me because it's a bet to get me seeing as I'm probably the only girl left standing who is not being tossed from boy to boy because of the desire to live up to a lifestyle that artistes portray.

Then there was the mediator, just be careful around him. Get to know his intentions and personality and if you like or dislike your findings you come back and draft a way forward but no jumping to conclusions, just remain calm and vigilant.

I let go of a breath I was holding while lost in my thoughts. I then turned and realized my grandmother was still here.

"A which boy whisper inna fi yuh ears last night" she asked with a sly smile. Nothing got past her. "Mi nuh know wah yaah talk bout enuh mama" I replied laughing it off.

"Yuh look tired suh yuh can just wash the plate dem when yuh done eat yuh breakfast, look like rain aguh fall" I smiled and nodded my head in agreement and my grandmother left the room.

I sat at the edge of my bed just drinking the tea before heading to the kitchen to realize that breakfast was fried plantain, steamed vegetables and boiled green banana. I added some pepper to the vegetable which is just out of habit of adding pepper to everything.

As I enjoyed my breakfast I realized something, I didn't have my phone, it was left in his car. My old J2 core with a screen worth cringing at was left in his car on display for everyone to see. I was already embarrassed.

Then I realized something else, a solid reason to see him tonight. I wanted back my phone. Maybe I could just go get my phone, talk a little bit and then come back in.

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