Ch.1: Is this a joke?!

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It's hot.


It's cold.

Where am I?

Why is it dark

I slowly open my eyes only to be greeted by a white ceiling. There was a weird feeling on my head so I touch it but a sudden wave of pain shot through me. I sat on the bed, my hand on my head. I look around the room.


I looked around realizing this isn't my room. I remembered watching my favorite anime before going to sleep. How come I'm not in my room now?

Suddenly the door to the room opened revealing two people. As soon as their eyes met mine I could feel my breath hitched making those people rush to me.

No way, why are they here? This-this must be a dream right? It gotta be a dream. I was just at my room a while ago. Someone must be pranking me, right? This must be a joke-

"Hey it's alright take a deep breath ok? Deep breath. In and out. In and out"

'What is he saying? Why would i-oh...I'm having a panick attack now. I haven't even realize it'

Following his words I was able to calm down after a few minutes.

"Are you ok now?"

I nod at Eraser not taking my eyes off him. He's really cool in real life.

"I'm sorry if this is sudden but is it ok if we question you about the incident?" Tsukauchi asked behind him.

'Incident?' I frowned at him. I don't remember any incident. Thinking about it I am in a hospital now so maybe it has got to do with that?

"I-incident? W-what incident?" I asked them.

"Oh you don't remember?"


They looked at each other before looking back at me.

"Do you remember your name?"

My name? Of course I remember it, but I wasn't supposed to be here and I can't lie to him. I need to be careful with my words but..... should I tell them? No. It might put me in trouble. I don't even know if I got a quirk here I shouldn't tell them. It's my only defence in this world.

"(Y/n) (L/n)?"

'Oops it came out as a question.' I'll just have to pretend to lost my memory. If I'm right, according to them I got into an incident-probably a villain attack- and looking at the injury on my head it'll be a perfect lie, not that I can remember anything before this thou. I just got to be careful of Naomasa's quirk.

"Do you know your parents?"


'That is true. I don't know my real parents'

"Do you know were you are?"


"How about your quirk?"

"I-I can't r-remember"

'Also true. I don't even know if I have a quirk'

"Do you remember anything?"


'Also true. I don't remember anything in this world. But maybe he'll pick it up as a half-truth considering I know what will happen to them in the future'

"How about villains and heroes? Do you know anything about them"

"I....don't know anyone"

Crap! That was a lie. Of course I know them especially the big fish villains and heroes. But why did he asked me thou? It's like he's asking me if I'm colluding with villains. Is it that incident? Ugh I need to know what happened there.

"Alright. That will be it for now, take a rest."

"Yes. Thank you"

"Detective Naomasa. And this one is Aizawa Shouta"

"O-oh. Thank sir Aizawa. Detective Naomasa"

"It's alright kid. Take a rest"

Aizawa told me before they both disappeared in the door. I flopped down the bed thinking my situation.

So this is really it huh? Somehow I got into my favorite anime without knowing if I'll get back home. But it's not like I wanna go back plus I got to meet my favorite characters!! But for that to happen I need to go to UA. Am I even in the right time?

What should I do? I know some dangerous information, if anyone find out about it they'll probably won't believe me and think I'm crazy, I'll probably got lock in jail, or got target by a villain. Ugh! I just have to survive. Yup Surviving should be my priority but first, I need information on myself and this place. I just have to-

"Huh? What's this?"


Third person's POV

In UA staff members and the detective are discussing in a room.

"So detective how is it?" The rat was the first one to speak.

"From what we could gather she seems to lost her memories"


"Yes. I've asked her questions to confirm it although she seems to holding some information"

"That means she could be lying" Vlad frowned.

"I still don't know"

"How can you tell she's withholding information?"

"Well when I questioned her, her answers were all truth except for one"

"And that is?"

"Information about villains and hero"

The room became silent each person looking at each other

"So there's a possibility she's colluding with them?"

"I don't know but considering her sudden appearance...."

"But why did she help then?"

The room grew silent once more before the rat principal broke the silence.

"I've got an idea. Why don't we enroll her in UA then?"

"Principal?! But what if that's what their planning. To infiltrate UA."

"Don't worry according to them she lost her memories and besides we can have better surveillance over her here in the school"

"Well if you put it that way..."

"So how about it? Do you agree?"

There was a collective nod and the principals grin grew wider.

"Alright then. Aizawa, inform her that she'll be attending UA as a recommended student and please tell her that there will be a meeting on her first day with the staff."


So this is the first chapter and I don't know what to say so good bye now.

Also please press my star.👉🌟

And yes I call the voting thing my star since it's shape in a star and it's in my story so it's my star.

Word Count: 1033


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