Ch. 21: Fox in sheep's clothing

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This -» 'Have a nice day/night' is for normal thought
This -» 'Stay safe everyone' is when you communicate with your brother in your mind.


3rd POV

As the joyous atmosphere came to an end we can now see y/n, Aizawa, Tsukauchi, Vlad, Snipe, RG and the principal in the now vacant room.

A while ago, y/n had agreed on giving them a second chance with a few conditions on her end.

"So about this condition you spoke of..." nezu had started while y/n internally grinned in her head.

Y/n never really planned to stay away from UA as most of the plot revolves around a certain student and class in it. But as she didn't expect to be labeled a villain-so soon-she had to play smart and dirty so the suspicions would not get out of control. She knew if she wants to save some people she would need some help from certain heroes (or villains) but she really can't tell them that their just an anime character can't she?

That's why she decided to use this opportunity to gain advantage and make things a bit more easier for her and her plans. A little drama and manipulation and UA now owes her a favor. Although it doesn't mean her feelings were not genuine, she just used it to her advantage to earn a little favor.


A sly little fox isn't she?

"Ah...yes about those. I know you really don't trust me yet but I don't want to have this kind of misunderstanding again so I hope you would listen to my conditions" she said as she lowered her head a bit.

'Nah, I'm sure we'll have this misunderstanding everytime I interfere with the plot' she said in her mind as she glance at her brother.

B/n looked at her with one eye, floating around her before facing the ceiling.

'Well it's risky but unless you tell them the truth -'

'or I can pretend I have a future related quirk but I'm scared that villains and corrupt HeROeS will go after me so I lied and keep secrets from them. Use a little tears, guilt trip, black mail, and a little manipulation so even if their suspicious they can't do anything to me without being reckless again. WHICH they would avoid unless they want me to go under the radar again and besides they'll face the wrath of our chicken slash future husba-spy.' You said in your mind as you keep a straight close-eyed smile outside .

Your brother 'fell' from the air to the floor, looking at you with disbelief.

'Ah~ manipulation what a wonderful thing~' You mused.

"Where did you even learn this?" He asked, recovering from his shock. You just smiled in your head.

'Anime~' You thought.



Sorry for taking so long on the updates. School has been keeping me busy and there's this idea I want to insert in the story but I still haven't figure out how.

Sorry for the short update but take this as a sneak peek to my idea.

Tbh I never really settled on what would be y/n's personality so I always had trouble when I'm writing a chapter.

I wanted to rewrite everything but I had a gut feeling I won't be able to continue the story so I had to think of a way to reset her personality without actually resetting it and so I thought of this.
What do you guys think?

Also can someone give me ideas on what will be her conditions to the heroes?

Please press my little star ✨

Word count:615


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