One shot

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I woke up groggily, my head throbbing with a dull pain. Why did I think getting kidnapped alongside this pomerian is a great idea.

Ah right it's to meet hotties—i mean to see if I could cure Kurogiri. I looked at my surroundings to see Katsuki fucking Bakugo chained in the chair just like me talking(shouting) to handy man.

"Well it's no use to struggle now. Wether you like it or not you'll join our cause, one way or another" Handy man said to Katsuki before looking towards me.

"Your finally awake. Sensei has been waiting for you." He said before gesturing to Kurogiri to remove the chain.

As soon as the chain was removed I performed a round house aiming at Kurogiri's head. My kicked went through his misty head before turning my body performing a 360° kick aimed at his body. He seemed surprised by my attack making him stumble when my attack hit him.

'Huh I guess except his body everything is made out of mist. But what was that head of Oboro I saw in the anime?'

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a sudden pain in my gut. I fell down the floor curling my body, holding my gut with my hands while I tried to stop my coughing. I look up to see who did it only to lock my eyes with icy blue orbs.

'Man he's really hot—wait no y/n stop that thought'

"Try anything like that and you'll get much worse treatment from me princess" Dabi said as he light one of his finger with his flame showing that he won't hesitate to use his quirk on me.

I glared at him before sighing. Still clutching my gut I mustered all of my strength to atleast sit up. His punch is really strong he really doesn't hold back to a girl doesn't he? I looked to my side to see the growling and trashing pomerian still chained on his chair. He was looking at me with a certain emotion, but I don't know what is it?

Wait is he worried about me? Aww he does care!

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me you ticking bomb pomerian" I said to him chuckling when he got more aggressive in trashing in his chair. Wether it's because of my nickname to him we'll never know.

I closed my eyes for a moment steadying my breathing before standing up weakly. The league watching my movement warily which I found funny.

"Why are you being so wary? You guys are much stronger than me, overwhelmed me in numbers plus you got my buddy hostage I'm literally at a disadvantage here" I told them.

" Yeah but your quirk is annoying y/n chan~ besides didn't you just attack misty here~?" To ga said as he twirled her knife blushing while looking at me.

'My quirk huh. Their being wary because of that'

"Mmh I guess you have a point. Now then why don't we get going? Don't want your sensei waiting right?" I grinned at them while reassuring myself that no, All for One won't experiment on me yet. It's too fucking early for that and I have plot armor on my side so I'm not gonna die yet.


[Too bad the author like angst huh]

Anyway Kurogiri opened his portal and handy man offered his hand towards me which I raised my brow at.

"Your surprisingly being a gentle man" I told him.

'Thinking back, he hasn't talk since he told me AFO is waiting for me. Even when I attacked Kurogiri. What's he planning? '

"And your surprisingly being calm about this. Your going to meet my sensei, you'll never know if your ever going to get out of there alive. It really makes me think if your planning something" he said to me with a curious and warning tone to his voice. " Besides my quirk is not working to you. Are scared your quirk will stop working and you'll get disintegrated? "

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