Ch. 6: Extra

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"Did you wait long?" Aizawa-sensei asked me.

"No. We had a class introduction so it wasn't that long"

After our introduction they all had to leave for home while I was left waiting for Aizawa-sensei. They told me before to wait for him in the teachers lounge but I know it's to watch me while Aizawa is gone. I'm not so dumb to see that some of the teachers don't trust me yet.

Especially Vlad his been eyeing me the whole time like I'd do something bad the moment he took his eyes of me. I've waited for at least 10 minutes-That felt like an hour-until Aizawa came.

"Alright. Let's get going now" I followed Aizawa out the door not missing the shared glances of teachers until we were outside.

'They really don't trust me huh. Well that's normal'

"Come on here" I looked at Aizawa then to the car he gestured.

"You have a car?" I asked him, getting in the side-front seat.

"Is that shocking to you?" He glance at me before going to the driver's seat.

'No. It wasn't just showed in the anime'

"No. I just thought that your more of a inconspicuous person" I side glance at him before I was distracted by scenery outside of School.

"I am. But it's required for us heroes to have our own mobile for better transport"

I stared outside the car window adorning the buildings we pass by.

'This is my world now and I'm the only one who knows what will happen in the future. Did I...get Isekai?'

Aizawa's POV

"I am. But it's required for us heroes to have our own mobile for better transport" I glance at her when she didn't respond.

'She's distracted. Right, this is her second time outside. Looking at her she looked like a harmless cat but....unless we found anything about her identity I shouldn't get my guard down'

After thirty minutes we arrived at my apartment building. I parked my car in the parking lot and went to my apartment. It wasn't big but it wasn't also small I gestured her to come inside while I went to the kitchen to get some water watching my cat get near her.

"I hope your not allergic to cats. That's my cat, Gray. This is were you'll live. It isn't much but it'll work." She looked around and patted my cat when it got near her.

"It's fine by me. Your always sleeping whenever you can, composed but a bit lazy, and you always conserve your energy so this isn't much a surprise"

'She's observant'

"Alright, let's eat dinner then I'll show you your room. It's already has decor if you don't mind. Nezu insisted on it"

Your POV

After we ate the food Aizawa ordered, he gave me a short tour around his apartment it wasn't big just the right size.

His living room.

His living room

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His kitchen.

His kitchen

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My room.

His room

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His room.

Guest room

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Guest room.

After the tour I went straight to my bed plopping down on it

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After the tour I went straight to my bed plopping down on it. My room wasn't bad, Its just my taste. Aizawa said nezu insisted it-wait, how did Nezu guess my taste? Darn!His mystery keeps piling up. I wish I could tell the all the fans in my world.

I fumble with my necklace. This is my world did I even get here? I miss my brother. I hope he doesn't miss me too much.

"...*Sigh*...This is tiring but I'm excited. I hope I can get through this, those villains" My eyelids felt heavy and before I knew it I drifted to sleep.


So I know this is shorter than my previous chapter-I apologize for that.

I was actually doing this while listening to our Google class so I couldn't focus much and I almost got caught so I cut the chapter the first time I saw a good end for it.

Please press my precious little star✨

For the sake that I almost got caught writing this chapter 🥺🥺🥺

Word count: 684


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