ch 24: Meow?

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This -» 'Have a nice day/night' is for normal thought
This -» 'Stay safe everyone' is when you communicate with your brother in your mind.


Your POV

After the somewhat reconciliation between me and UA, I went with Nemuri for a place to stay temporarily for the weekend considering what happened to my other room. I know I'm still not 100% trusted but knowing what would happen to Nem made me emotional.

So I spoiled her by answering her subtle roundabout questions of what I did and where I was when I run away. Ofc I only told her safe ones, didn't tell her about stain for fear of Vlad having another 'See I told you she's a villain! seizure'

After that Nemuri mostly pampered me and let me do whatever I want inside her house.

Now, it's finally back to classes after the weeklong suspension caused by the USJ attack. I'm sure everyone one at UA had a week of relaxation and healing of minds while I'm still stressed out and healing literally because of certain people.

Anyway as I open the door to our classroom everyone with the exception of Bakugo,Todoroki and  tokoyami stared at me before smiling or greeting at me nervously.

'what was that? '

'Think the teachers did something? '

'You think they told them? '

'Well... who knows? '

'...... '

Just as the bell rang Aizawa came in the door with his non-mummified and less bandaged self. Just like in the anime he announced about the upcoming Sports festival and the training that will commence in the following week for the preparation of the event. Ofc he didn't forget to look at my direction a couple of times throughout homeroom period and b/n my brother who is terrorizing Vlad's classroom.

There was really nothing interesting that happened on the following subjects except when my brother would check on me from time to time and the occasional glance boom boom boy has been giving me and the classroom's weird attitude towards me.

As lunch came around everybody went with their own groups or was asked by the group(case with Bakago), I noticed no one payed me attention or just flat out avoided me well I guess except for two.

Bakugo who is getting drag out by the bakusquad and our hot n cold dense prince.

He was staring at me from his seat even when everyone has gone out he doesn't seems to have any intention of leaving the classroom.

'Man and here I thought I could start my emo phase. Just being alone, depressed, isolated by everyone, no one to hangout with, just chilling in the classroom... sigh and everyone's attitude was perfect for my act'

Having enough I stood up with the plan of confronting him about why the heck is he staring at me don't he know about what his gaze can do to people?! For the love of— how can I ignore that gaze when your the brother of Dabi!!!! — and ofc the strange behavior of the class  when suddenly my brother came and pushed me by my shoulder making me look like I'm speed walking while he is muttering something like this →Nope! I have too many competition already with that overgrown chicken and that late bloomer caterpillar. I'm not gonna let you add someone who can't decide their own temperature and someone who is a-okay with burning themselves. Nope!

Oh did I mention I saw todoroni-kun gape at me cuz in his eyes I looked like someone who stood up from their own chair made eye contact with him took a step forward before turning my back towards him making my hair flip and speed walk outside the classroom. Yeah. That happened.

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