Ch. 14: Companion part 2

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I couldn't find any female version of this.
I was listening to this song while doing this chapter but I originally intended it to be 'Wolves' by Gomezxmarshmallow.

Sentences that are bold and italic means your the only one who can hear it.

For example like this: There's someone behind you.


This -» 'Have a nice day/night' is for normal thought
This -» 'Stay safe everyone' is when you communicate with your brother in your mind.


As I open my eyes I feel the cold wind brush through me. The glistening stars above me and the soft fabric I'm currently lying.

It took me a while before I come to my senses but when I did I was taken aback by my surrounding.

It wasn't because I'm currently lying in a makeshift bed or because there's a plastic full of food beside me or because of the bloodied rag, alcohol, bandages needle,stiches or my cleaned bandaged gunshot. No, it wasn't all of that.

The one thing that surprised me is the barrier that look like the one that appeared in USJ surrounding me and the familiar person sitting infront of me.


The 'person' who looked exactly like my 'brother' smiled warmly at me before opting to a sad one.

"You sure had it rough huh (y/n)?"

I was quiet for a second not believing on what I'm seeing before a tear role down on my face.

"Nii-chan? I-is that r-really y-you?" My voice was starting to shake and I could feel myself tremble.

"It's...hard to believe isn't?" He looked up staring at the stars he's hair casting a shadow oh his eyes. "I couldn't believe it at first. One second I was at the rooftop then another I'm infront of my supposed 'dead' sister with a gunshot on her leg."

'I'm dead in our world? No wait! Rooftop. Did he just say he was in a rooftop? Why is my brother-is he really even my brother?' I thought.

"A-are you really my brother?" I asked a bit unsure. My tears still freely flowing

"I am"

"Prove it! I won't believe you unless you prove yourself to me!"

I shouted at him. Not minding my rudeness to the one who probably saved me. He ponder for a while before he looked at me and grin like my idiotic brother does.

"How about this? When you were eight and I was ten you lit the house on fire on my birthday because you remembered that I wanted to see the house on fire. We never got caught that day and we made it a tradition to lit something on fire on our birthdays"

He chuckled from the memory before coming beside me worriedly as my tears finally broke down.

"H-hey are you okay?"

His hands hovered above me not touching my skin I noted.

"I guess your really are my brother" I smiled wiping my tears.He smiled once again before having the nerve to joke in hopes of lifting up the mood like he always does.

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