Ch. 17: Talk with the killer

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This -» 'Have a nice day/night' is for normal thought
This -» 'Stay safe everyone' is when you communicate with your brother in your mind.


"We still can't find her?" It was Aizawa that spoke.

"No. There was a blood trail but it was cut off near an alley way" It was snipe this time.

"She must've put pressure on her wound or else she might have died of blood loss" Aizawa sighed with relief and frustration.

While snipe look down in guilt. It was his fault for shooting her after all.

The teachers of UA were all in the meeting room. It has been five days since the USJ incident and five days since y/n had gone missing. Nezu had issued a week of no school to repair the USJ and to give the students some space to recuperate.

Another reason was to have enough time to find and apologize to y/n thou it hasn't gone smoothly. There was only two days left before the school start and they still couldn't find any lead to where she could be.

They were getting desperate....

Desperate enough to have the number 3 hero to help in the search.

"Man, you all sucks..." It was the number three hero who spoke this time. A hint of disappointment in his voice.

"How did this even happened? Didn't you guys gather enough evidence? How could you guys accused an innocent kid without concrete evidence?"

All the teachers at UA look down in shame except for Nezu. Thou he was also remorseful for not looking deeper into it as the principal of the school.

"We were just agitated to think clearly" He said. "She came out of nowhere and then a villain attack suddenly happened. Although we have no concrete evidence we were too blinded by the possibility of a traitor."

"That still doesn't excuse the way you all treated her" Hawks sighed. "You all are heroes. Pro's even"

"We know" They once again hang their heads in shame as the number three hero stood up.

"All right then as a fellow hero I'll make sure to find and bring her here but don't expect to much as I won't force her to come" He glance at them.

"As long as you can find her. It won't be surprising if she doesn't want us to see her" It was Vlad who had spoken this time

"We just want to know that she is safe" PresentMic added.

It was obvious how the teachers regretted their actions. Thou Hawks knew that their 'regret' would be futile if the kid died or is in any harm.

"Alright. I'll go now" Hawks stated before leaving the room taking the quest of finding an innocent girl.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I look at my floating-or is it walking?- brother beside me.

'It's still fascinating to observe him float/walk in the air no matter how much I see him do it'

We were still inside the abandoned building watching the city above from one of the safe window left. Last night I finally decided to go back to UA or at least give them a chance to communicate with me.

"Nope!" I said popping the 'p' part. I was still having doubts about it but it's not like I can ignore it when Aizawa-THE Aizawa cried because of me. It's actually most of the reason why I gave them the benefit of a doubt. Yes, I'm biased and they can't do anything about it!

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