Ch. 10: USJ Incident

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After everything that happened to you you'll think that your suffering is over. That everything would be okay from now on.

But then fate seems to mock you making what ever you faced before feels nothing compared to what you will face today.

It's a bit unfair don't you think?


After Aizawa jumped into the fray I felt like he misunderstood me or something but I ignored it and went along with the class to the exit but of course Kurogiri blocked our way out, making his little speech there, Katsuki and Kirishima attacking him, completely missing their targets and Kurogiri sending us to different places-the same in the canon. Thus my plan begins.

I made sure I was close to Izuku when we got teleported and got sent to the shipwreck zone. I closed my eyes and felt falling to the water for a few seconds.

I opened my eyes to see a villain swim towards Izuku's direction getting ready to attack him but getting kick instead by Tsu. Taking the opportunity, I quickly swim towards the shallow part of the water towards the plaza. What can I say I'm a great swimmer in my world. You don't know how many times I accidently almost drowned because of some people.

'I'm sorry Izuku but Aizawa is my priority right now. I'm sure you and Tsu would get out of there safely' I mentally said to myself.

When I arrived at solid ground I glance back to the yatch, watching my classmates getting surrounded by villains. They'll be fine, I just need to follow my plan.

Looking back I guess I haven't told you guys about my plan yet right? Well my plan is just simple.

I need to make sure I get teleported in the shipwreck zone with Izuku since its the nearest place to the plaza. Avoid the villains and sneak where Shigaraki is and knocked him out using my escrima stick-I learned using this back in my world for some futile self-defense-making the Nomu useless without his mater's order. And since Kurogiri is dealing with my classmates my chance of succeeding is high, and that's what I did.

I sneak to the plaza and watched Aizawa fight some tugs before fighting Shigaraki one on one, getting his elbow decay and getting plummeted by the Nomu.

Since the Nomu was restraining Aizawa I take it as my opportunity to sneak behind Shigaraki and knock him out with my escrima stick.

'Please hold on a bit longer Dadzawa' I thought to myself.

I quietly sneak behind Shigaraki and was about to hit him when something stop me. Did I froze in fear? No, even if I'm scared the adrenaline keep me moving. Did Shigaraki noticed and stop me? No, he was busy grinning with his 'victory' and I'm already used in sneaking behind someone. Did Kurogiri came back? No, he's still busy with the others.

Then what stoped me you asked?

It was the Nomu. One thing I forgot to include in my plan, is that over everything the Nomu's priority is to protect it's master. That's why as soon as I swing my stick the Nomu let go of Aizawa and rushed towards me reeling his arms to punch me. Like when the Nomu used himself as a shield when Izuku tried to punch Shigaraki, how can I forgot about that detail!?

Aizawa and Shigaraki seems shock towards it's action until they saw me. I saw Shigaraki's confused looks and Dadzawa's horrified one.

"(Y/n)!!!" I heard him shout.

'Am I going to die?'

I instinctively closed my eyes and waited for the pain to come but it never did. I slowly opened my eyes to see the Nomu's punch getting blocked with what seems like a bubble-dome force field around me.

"Is quirk?" I muttered to myself wide eye.

I watched as the Nomu insert more force into his punch making waves of air but jumped back as my dome-barrier? Seems to take no damage.

"What the f*ck?!"

I looked to who said that only to see Shigaraki a few feet away from me -must be because of the wind force- scratching furiously at his neck.

"Nomu attack her" He said as the Nomu came to me for another punch but just like before my barrier seems to take no damage from it. This happened for a few more punches before Shigaraki ordered the Nomu stop. I look over him, our eyes locked.

"Hey who are you?" He asked walking towards me. "Is this your quirk? Are you some cheat or something?" He continued to walk towards me and I saw Izuku and Aizawa in the corner of my eyes getting tense-well we all are.

"You know my Nomu was made to kill Allmight. If you can take it's punches does that mean your stronger?" He's voice was filled with irritation and curiosity. " You don't look like some low NPC here. Are you some kind of mini boss? Or are you player two?"

He stopped inches from my barrier. His hand reaching for it.

'Is he going to decay it? Can he decay my barrier? Please dont' I thought to my self.

He glance at me.

I lock eyes with him.

He stretch his hand towards my barrier.

I felt fear crawling inside of me.

He put all five fingers on it.

Bile start rising in my throat.

He stop scratching.

My eyes widen.

His hands went through.

He grinned widely.


Hey are you guys all okay out there? I hope you all have some good sleep there, your body needs it- I need it!!!

School's been hectic and I apologize for missing.

I hope you like this chapter, please press my baby star🌠

Word Count: 972


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