Ch. 16: Fluff

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Incase you guys don't know the picture above is your brother.


It's already been 5 days since our 'break in' in Aizawa's place and we've been doing surprisingly fine for the last couples of days. We already moved in an abandoned building nearby our original spot since I'm still injured.

My brother would sometimes buy me food in the nearby store so I wouldn't starve and also to practice my quirk and the addition to my quirk-my brother.

He told me to practice making him materialize so he can help me on things like this since I'm still hiding from the heroes. But of course I'm not planning to materialize him all the time.

We already discussed it and we decided that it would be best if he doesn't 'appear' much in the real world. Since he could do negotiation, spy and gather information much easier when no one is able to recognize him. It was part of the plan incase there's a need to infiltrate LOV or the Yakuza if I accidentally change something like a butterfly effect of some sort.

Making him materialize was not easy but it wasn't too hard either since it was similar to permeation except instead of going through things I need to concentrate not to let my brother go through things.

I remember when I was first able to materialize him it was for about a minute and the first thing he did was to hug me. It almost feel like he's crushing me but nonetheless I really need that hug.

We both do.

As for my quirk barrier or should I call it Zone Barrier?

Nii-chan suggested that I focus controlling it at my will and make it last for how long I can. Of course I decided not to practice materializing my brother and controlling my zone barrier at the same time because it would take a toll on me but we would work on it in the future.

(I decided to give y/n a drawback don't worry it's only fatigue and it can be solve if she have lots of stamina)

For now I manage to use my zone barrier at will and maintain it for 60 seconds and to materialize my brother for about 5 minutes after that I'll probably pass out because of fatigue. But hey! plus ultra isn't it?

"What are you thinking?"

I turn my head at the entrance towards my brother who is carrying a bag of food and snacks. He was on materialized mode.

"It's nothing" I smiled at him. "Did any interesting happened?"

"Well there was a supposed to be a villain attack but unfortunately for them one of the people they took hostage was a retired hero so after they shouted that their villains the hero took action. So long story short the hero got pissed for making him work even thou he's retired and kinda beat up the villains a bit too much before they could do anything." He told me as he went beside me putting the bag of food at the floor and inspect my wound.

"Is that so? They must be unlucky for that to happen"

"Yeah they do" He said as he finish putting a new clean bandage over it. "Does it still hurt?"

"Yeah but it's bearable now and it's just for a few seconds" I told him before releasing my quirk and he started floating again.

"Five minutes and twelve seconds. I got to materialize for two seconds longer great job"

He grinned at me and I averted my eyes in embarrassment. "It's just two seconds nii-chan..."

"Well for me it's already impressive" He said floating upside down.

"So who was that hero?" I decided to change the topic out of embarrassment and curiosity but he just chuckled nervously before tensing.

"Gran Torino"




Sorry this is a bit short but I hope you guys like it

Please press my star ✨⭐

Word Count: 665


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