Ch. 3: Lies!

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"So Y/n I heard that you can't remember anything?" Nezu asked me.

'I can see through you. Asking me if I can't remember anything. Your just trying to see if I'll lie or not'

"Well not exactly. I really can't remember anything but after I got a looked with my phone I got to remember some.... fragments"

'Not a lie'

" what?"

"A woman and a man....there was also another guy I think around my age..... Their probably"

"What about heroes? Villains?"

"I don't... know anyone" I lied which is part of my plan.

I saw Naomasa in the corner of my eye look at Nezu indicating that I lied.

"Y/n we are trying to help you so please cooperate with us." He said smiling but his eyes said otherwise.

"I...don't know anyone..... personally....but I guess I remember someone? It's a bit fuzzy"

'Its true. I don't know someone personally but I consider my current parents a villain and my older brother a hero. I also don't know the villains here personally but I remember them.'

"Can you elaborate it miss Y/n." He said looking straight in my eyes.

"My parents.....When I looked at my phone I noticed that I never had a picture of my parents. There were only a pictures of me and Then I saw pictures of me with.....a bruise and some cuts. I start to remember some memories of me.....laying on the ground with....blood my brother protecting me from a....woman and a man. My parents I think? I guess I think of them as a villain and my brother as a hero. I....don't really's kinda fuzzy...." I trailed of my hands on my head. I also let a few tears escaped my eyes to show them my frustration.

"I'm sorry to hear that. But can you show us your phone? We didn't touch it until you wake up for your privacy"

Nezu asked and I gave him my phone. After a few minutes he gave me my phone back with a confused looks and I silently thank him.

"I hope I'm not offending you but your name is Y/n L/n right?"

"Yes. Is something wrong?"

"Nothing it just seems that your information can't be found, like you never existed." He said looking at me dead in the eye.

'Man that hit home. I don't exist here I'm all alone. No matter what I do people might never remember me'

"O-oh...." I looked at my lap, my hands clenched.

"Y/ there anyway you think that your parents are villains?" And that goes the question.

I faked being surprised by his question and answered him in a disbelieving tone.

"D-do you th-think I'm a v-villain?" I asked them in an angry tone.

'Jeez I'm starting to feel sorry for lying to them. But I need to survive this'

"Are you?" Vlad asked with a frown, his voice a bit loud and scary.

"Of course not! I'm not a villain. Maybe I think my parents as a villain but I'm not in anyway connected with villains! Memories or not."

I may have gone a bit far with my emotions but who's not going to react like that when their suspecting you. Also that's not a lie. Why does Naomasa have to be even here!?!

"Vlad stop it!" Recovery Girl scolded him while rubbing my back.

"Sorry for the question Y/n but we're only being cautious. I do hope you forgive us." Nezu once again talked his looks became softer.

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