The Raven Girl - chapter 14

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That night I dreamt of angry blizzards whirling and swirling around a vicious range of mountains to the soft melody of a string quartet. I didn’t see the ballroom Dante had mentioned in the evening. Nor did I remember the palace where we had supposedly spent our winters. I didn’t even know if this mountain range even existed. I woke up feeling annoyed. I opened my eyes and the first object my sight focused on was Dante’s face looming over me. My whole body that had been so sedate and relaxed immediatly tensed.

“You know I really regretted my decision last night.” He announced.

The sleepy fog hadn’t lifted yet and I stared at him blankly.

Dante smiled and made a humorous sigh, “Oh don’t tell me you forgotten already, how you offered your virginity to me on a silver platter.”

Heat rushed to my cheeks and I felt my face slowly burning up as I remembered how I nearly had handed myself over to a vampire. Clutching the hem of the blanket, I pulled it over my face wanting at that moment to die of embarrassment. Dante tugged the blanket off my face enjoying my humiliation with a perverse delight.

“Don’t be like that Ebony. Just after you went to bed, I changed my mind and came after you, but you were asleep, snoring away with a little bit of dribble coming down your chin-”

I balled up my fist and thumped his chest, “I do not snore and I do not drool!”

“Have you  ever seen yourself sleep?” Dante asked smugly.

I ignored his question and shuffled to the edge of the bed. Dante watched me like a lazy predator too bored to chase its prey. He lounged back against the pillows as I stood up and began rummaging through the wardrobe for some clean clothes.

“You know if you wanted we could pick up from where we left off last night.” Dante said.

“Where can I find a decent pair of clothes?” I replied changing the subject.

“The Queen does not dress herself. She has maids to help her do that.”

“I’m not the Queen and quite frankly I don’t want anyone dressing me like a little toddler.”

“Ebony, stop being so stubborn and  come back to bed.” Dante said patting the bed.

I ignored his request and carried on opening drawers and cupboards carelessly. There was a knock at the bedroom door and Henry walked in without waiting for a reply. Tonight Henry was wearing black trousers and a tight fitting shirt- all very modern clothing. He sauntered into the bedroom and stopped dead when his eyes clamped on me. He stared at me and I really mean stared. It was like I had food on my face or was wearing a giant chicken suit. An awkward second past and then suddenly there was blackness. Dante had come at me from nowhere and thrown a blanket over me. His arms clamped around me and he yelled at Henry,

“Leave now.”

Henry left and tossed the blanket off over me. Furiously I spun round and squared up with Dante who looked as equally mad.

“What the hell was that about!” I snapped.

“No man must ever see you in your night clothes.” Dante replied.

I looked down at the frumpy white nightdress and laughed, “Your kidding right? This is the type of clothing my Grandmother wears!”

Dante didn’t find it funny, instead he ran his fingers through his dark hair and clenched his teeth, “You do not understand men.”

“Come on Dante, you can’t be serious. Where I come from this dress is what is known as a ‘passion killer’.” I laughed.

Dante grabbed my shoulders cutting my humour short, he was trembling with rage “Do not tease what you do not understand,” he warned, “And do not underestimate the power of a man’s imagination. Did you not see the way he looked at you, the way he was mentally undressing you? ”

“Dante, he was just looking at me.” I said trying to make it seem like no big deal.

Dante face broke out into a humourless smile, “You were always so trusting.” He said almost bitterly.

“What the hell was that supposed to mean?” I said angrily.

“Nothing- listen, Henry is a little crazy and I don’t want you going near him, okay?”

“Like I would want too.”

“Swear to me!” Dante snapped.

“Fine- I swear.”

“That’s my love! Now, stay here while I go and get you some breakfast.” Dante said pulling a robe on. I sat on bed and watch him leave the bedroom. As he shut the door I heard about six different locks and bolts fasten behind.

There were some very old books that I attempted to read by the firelight to pass the time. The language was so old and confusing I gave up on the first couple of paragraphs. God I missed home. I missed my laptop, my games console, my chick magazines- I just missed my world.

The bedroom door rattled as the bolts were slid opened I turned and froze as the door opened.

“Hello.” Henry smiled closing the bedroom door behind him.

I stood up in panic and took a few steps back, “Dante doesn’t want you coming near me.” I warned.

“Do you want him coming near you?” He asked.

“I don’t really have a choice.”

“What happened if I gave you a choice?” He smiled.

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