The Raven Girl- chapter 15

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“Dante said I shouldn’t trust you. He said you were dangerous.” I said.

Henry raised an eye brow, “Me, dangerous? Never darling. I’m completely sound.” He replied.

Stepping forward he closed the distance between us and pointed at his shirt and said,

“One word for you love- Armani.”

“Armani.” I parroted the words in sudden wonderment. Henry wore clothes from the mortal world- he knew how to get home.

Henry read the expression across my face and smiled, “I thought you would like that. I can get you home for a very reasonable price.”

“Price? I don’t have any money.”

“No,no,no- you got me wrong, I don’t want your money. I want something else you got.” He said sweeping his eyes over my body. Dante’s words echoed in my head- mentally undressing you. I moved my hands protectively over my chest feeling suddenly very sick. Henry smiled at my reaction, he rubbed his chin and said,

“You aren’t officially married until you have consummated the wedding bed. I’m giving you a one time opportunity: give yourself to me and I will return you to your family and your best friend.  You miss your best friend don’t cha? Dante says he hears you calling to her in your sleep, ‘Morgan’. And you can have all that back in exchanged for your innocence.”

“No way, I couldn’t live with myself.  So take your smutty offer and leave now.” I ordered pointing at the door.

Henry shrugged almost pleased at my response, “Fine, it makes my job more easier.”

Henry looked over his shoulder and down the corridor I heard the distance footsteps of Dante returning. My heart sighed a heavy relief, thank goodness Dante was here, he would take of care of Henry. My gaze fell back to Henry who was smiling maliciously at me. He winked at me and strode forward whispering, “I can’t wait to taste you.”

His arms clamped around me, I tried to scream but as I did so his mouth cover mine swallowing the scream. I pounded at his chest trying to break free but Henry only deepened his kiss. My whole body went rigid, I couldn’t escape and Henry was too strong. His tongue pushed inside my mouth and I tasted cigarettes and alcohol. I wanted to wretch. There was a sound smashing of china and Henry pushed me away in mock revulsion. Wiping his mouth he staggered back looking at me with the most condemning and disgusted expression. Confused I watched the scene unfold like some hideous soap opera. Henry looked at me and angrily yelled,

“What devil are you playing at! No means no! I will not betray my Prince like that.”

The colour drained from my face and I turned to the doorway where Dante was standing surrounded by broken teacups and crockery. He was staring straight at me his expression hard and merciless- oh god, did he believe Henry? I opened my mouth to defend myself but Henry got in before me. He turned to Dante and said,

“I’m sorry sire, I heard screaming  from your chamber and when I got here she threw herself at me.”

Dante nodded solemnly, “I understand.” He replied gravely.

Inside me my tempered flared and angrily I snapped, “Oh come on! You don’t seriously believe him! He forced himself onto me. Christ Dante! You even said he couldn’t be trusted!”

Dante angrily turned to me, “Do not speak. I am this close to throwing you in the dungeons.”

Henry stepped in, “Please don’t blame her, she thought if she seduced me I would take her home. Ebony is not thinking clearly.”

“You are extremely gracious Henry.” Dante spoke cordially.

Outraged I gawped at Dante, “He is lying! Why don’t you believe me?”

“Because you threw yourself at me last night!” Dante snapped.

“Only in your stupid imagination!” I replied.

Dante turned to Henry and said, “Leave us.”

Henry bowed walked towards the door only briefly pausing once to blow me a kiss behind Dante’s back. All I could do was stare daggers at him.

“Ebony, the mortal world has loose morals and I understand that the concept of giving your body away freely to any man is acceptable in your world. Promiscuous behaviour is accepted but here-”

“Woah, are accusing me of being sluttly.”

“I am not accusing you, my Princess, of being a slut. I am calling you a slut. I saw how you forced yourself upon my servant! Henry is bound to me by oath, he would never disobey me. I trusted you but I realize that was a mistake. Maybe you aren’t my princess after all.” Dante replied morosely.

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