The Raven Girl- chapter 52

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Ravens did not naturally dwell in castles but Edvard had built a castle for me in the mountains that were once my home. In the memories of my past life, I never lived in a man-made shelter until Dante took me to his castle. Before that I lived in the forest with my brothers and sisters. The cold never bothered me, unlike now. Winged servants were sent to build a fire in my room, to keep me warm. Edvard did not visit me for the rest of the night. Food and water was brought to me at regular intervals but I refused to eat. I did not trust Edvard or his servants.

My make shift prison had one benefit, a large bay window (barred of course), and it offered a view over the mountainous valley that I grew up. My memories of here were vague at best, but certainly sitting here and observing the snowy terrain, I felt a nostalgic connection to this place. Maybe I was happy here once before Edvard went strange.

Outside I could see ravens walking through the snow in armour. It was an alien sight because I never recalled there being raven soldiers before. In fact what I remember of the old Ebony, is the sense of almost child-like innocence. War did not exist in Raven society. So why were there soldiers now?

One male raven dragged a carcass of a deer across the snow, leaving a trail of blood. Bright red against pure white. Blood and innocence. A strange foreboding came over me. Blood and snow- why did I keep seeing this?

I closed my eyes and prayed for Dante and for my unborn son.

I needed a miracle.

The sun drifted behind the mountains and moon asended into her twinkling sky. Protectively hugging my tummy I smiled to myself. I would never let Edvard hurt my baby. Sitting down by the barred window of my little room, I stared up at the night sky and then to blood in the snow. The landscape was surprisingly bright for midnight. The moonlight reflected of the surface of the snow that blanketed the landscape and created a wonderful light effect.

The door finally creaked up and I knew it was Edvard. I could always feel a sickness sweeping over me when he came near. Walking into the room, he shut the door behind him.

“Morgan has not been found.” He announced stiffly.

I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. Edvard disappointedly shook his head,

“I expected that reaction.” He said.

“Have I disappointed you brother?” I replied.

“I know you don’t care, Ebony. You made your feelings as plain as day to me.”

“Then why are you doing this?”

“For reasons you could never understand. But having said that, I hope that one day you will come to care about what your King thinks of you.”

 “You are not my King.” I replied.

 “I understand that it will take time for you to warm to the idea of us.”

“Us? Well good luck buddy because even if you can break Morgan’s spell there is no way I’m letting you come near me.” I replied.

Edvard took a deep breath in, “Dante is dead.”

“Shut up.”

“I cut his head off after I shot him.”

My breathe caught in my throat and felt a sob trying to escape. Swallowing it down I refused to acknowledge that statement. Starring out the window, I looked down at the blood in the snow.

Edvard moved across the room and sat down next to me. Glancing out the window he said softly,

“Do you know what the blood upon the snow means?”

I didn’t reply.

He shuffled closer and with a gloved hand ran his fingers through my hair.

“Do you remember the old ones, Ebony?” He asked.

I stood up and removed myself from his reach and walked to the otherside of the room. Edvard sat on the window ledge watching me.

“Do you remember the old ones who made our world, in fact all worlds?”

“I haven’t a clue about what you are talking about.”

“I am talking about the ones who made me and you and everything else. I suppose people from your world would call them Gods. Do you know what Gods are?”

“I know what God is.” I replied.

Edvard opened his mouth to speak but there was a knock on the door and two soldiers walked in.

“A scout just arrived from the vampire castle.” One said with a grave expression, “Dante has returned.”

An excited relief spread through me. Trembling hands covered my mouth and I began to shake and cry. Edvard shook his head,

“Impossible- I killed him.” He said.

“And now he’s going to kill you, when he finds you!” I declared triumphantly.

“How did he survive? Vampire and humans cannot survive decapitation. I-” Edvard faced suddenly changed in an instant from shocked to angry.

He looked at me and with baleful eyes spat, “You whore. You slept with.”

I blinked, stunned by his outburst then causually shrugged,

“Oh my god Edvard, are you seriously that dense, what the hell did you think we were doing half naked in shack up on the moors all alone.”

“Shut up,” Edvard screamed running his hands through his hair. “You have no idea what you’ve done by tying yourself physically to that man! You were going to be mine but now it’s too late.”

“What are you talking about?”

Edvard refused to answer. Instead he stormed out the room leaving me with a thousand questions.

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