The Raven Girl- Chapter 27

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Edvard looked deathly pale in the dull candle light. I clung to Dante’s arm unwillingly to let go even when Dante tried to remove his arm from mine. We had gone to a private guest tower at the rear of the castle to meet my brother. He had greeted us in a small cosy reception room which would have been warm and inviting if Edvard was not in it.

Edvard opened his arms to me wanting an embrace from me but I stuck firmly to Dante’s side not moving. The anger flashed in Edvard’s eyes, anger that I had seen so many times before that had lead to violence, but he couldn’t hurt me now not with Dante by my side. Dropping his arms down Edvard forced a cold smile,

“I understand accepting your former ties must be hard when you have no memory.”

I didn’t even give him the courtesy of smiling back. I just stared at him, my eyes screaming I know you set Morgan up. There was no way I was going to let him get away with this. Edvard ignored my black stares and turned to Dante and made polite conversation about how pretty the castle looked in the snow. Every word Edvard spoke was dripping with false sincerity and warmth. He was nothing more than an act.

“The winter gardens here look so lovely and delicate in the frost, I wonder if Ebony would like to join me on a little walk around them.” He said looking at me.

“Only if Dante comes with us.” I replied.

Dante sucked in a breath through his teeth and said, “I wish I could but-” he yelped as I jabbed him in the ribs. “Ebony love I know you are desperate to get back to our chambers,” he said lowering his voice, “But your brother wishes to see you in private.”

“And I don’t want you to leave me.” I said urgently.

Dante laughed softly and rolled his eyes grinning at Edvard, “She can’t stop thinking about me.” He said smugly.

This wasn’t about you, Dante, you narcissistic little twerp! This was about me not getting perved on by big bird over there. Edvard was smiling at me in triumphant as Dante pried his arm away from me and excused himself.

“I see you have recovered some of your memories of me.” Edvard sneered taking a step towards me.

I countered acted him by taking another step back, “Come near me and I’ll scratch your eyes out.” I threatened.

“The mortal world has brought out a little bit of feistiness in you Ebony. I like that, you always use to look so dead in the eyes before you left. I can’t tell you how much it makes my spirit sing when I see the fire of life flickering in those beautiful coal eyes of yours again. How much I’ve missed those eyes, that skin…” Edvard reached out and stroked my hair.

I wanted to scream, I moved quickly back but he grabbed my shoulder pulling me into him. I tried to scream but his gloved hand covered my mouth.

“Shhh,” he whispered, “I want this to be special, I want to remember this night-”

My elbow struck hard against his gut and he released me bending over double groaning. I ran towards the door but Edvard breezed past slamming it shut.

“Now I’m going to teach you a lesson.” He spat through gritted teeth.

Fingers tore at the ribbing of my bodice , I struggled but he held the bodice firmly until he had pulled it off completely. My dress billowed around me and I tried to run forward. He stood on the hem of my skirt and unsheathed a dagger from his belt and run the blade over the fine satin threads. The dress fell apart leaving me exposed in thin cotton under dress that clung to every curve. Edvard stood there with the dagger pressed against his lips staring at me, his eyes lapping me up.

“By the way, feel free to shout, scream and cry. No one can hear you up here and it gives me such a thrill.” He said.

“I don’t understand why you would do this, you’re supposed to be my brother.” I said tearfully.

Edvard ignored my comment and removed his gloves discarding them on the floor.

“I’ve waited so long for this.” He breathed heavily reaching out and cupping my face.

The smell of searing flesh over whelmed my nostrils. Smoke rose from his hands and Edvard staggered back. His hands were blistering before his eyes like he had touched red hot metal. He gasped in pain and looked up at me,

“That bitch Fox cursed you. The fucking little bitch fox cursed you.” He repeated.

The door suddenly burst open and Henry strode in. Edvard stared at Henry who proceeded to slug him one on the chin. Edvard hit the floor and Henry picked up the remains of my dress and grabbed my hand dragging me out the turret.

“Do you have any idea how exhausting it is trying to protect you and Morgan while trying to restore some sort of balance to this increasingly screwed up world?” Henry said shrugging off his Armani blazer and throwing it at me.

“You left me in the bloody snow to die!” I yelled- it didn’t matter that he just rescued me, this man was in need of some hard moral questioning.

“That is a gross exaggeration. I had to prove to Dante that you were the raven princess.” Henry said.

“Through goddamn hypothermia?”

“No, by these.” Henry said poking at my wings.

“The cold made me grow wings?”

“Kinda of, sorta of, would love to share but we’ve got more pressing matters at hand like the dragon you snuck into see. That dragon would really like a little chit-chat with you.” Henry said.

“You know about the dragon?”

“We’re good friends. She’s the one who told me to take you back to your world.”

“She also told me to jump off a building.”

“She has a funny way of getting her points across.” Henry shrugged.

I stopped dead in the middle of the corridor.

“I don’t trust her or you.” I said firmly.

Henry glanced nervously about and scratched his chin.

“So who do you trust? I suppose someone like Dante perhaps?” He asked.

I nodded.

Henry shook his head, “Newsflash! Dante is Edvard’s BFF. The current political sphere between Dante and the Dragons and your little friend would mean that any sort of accusation against the noble Edvard would be interpreted as some sort of funky voodoo mind controlling spell which has been cast upon you aka no one is going to believe you. Dante would rather believe the Fox has cast an evil spell on you to spout nonsense then face the reality that your brother is a sick degenerate.”

For the second time this evening I found myself thinking…FML.

“Okay. I’ll go.” I said pulling the lapels of Henry’s coat closer together.

“Good girl,” Henry beamed patting me on the back, “We’ll go and see the dragon, I’ll fix your dress then we can have a nice cup of tea.”

I blinked, “I thought you didn’t eat or drink human food.”

“I don’t, I like to pour blood from a teapot into a teacup and saucer and pretend it’s tea. Makes me feel all nostalgic.”

“You are all nutters.” I murmured under my breath.

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