The Raven Girl - chapter 41

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His eyes rolled back into his head and his lashes swept down. He had passed out again but he was still breathing. The fear subsided and I lay on the ground next to him absolutely exhausted. The cold began to creep up on me. My wet clothes clung uncomfortably to my skin chilling me to the bone. My teeth began to chatter but I didn’t care. I was so glad that Dante was alive. I lay by him for a few moments and forced myself up on to my feet. We had survived Edvard, but we couldn’t survive this cold night. Hypothermia was now our biggest danger.  As I grabbed Dante’s feet preparing to drag him back to Morag’s boat, footsteps came hammering towards us.

“Ebony!” Henry’s voice yelled.

“Here!” I shouted out.

Henry appeared from the darkness, he looked down at me and then at Dante.

“Shit, I came here as fast as I could,” Henry panted. “I asked Morag to keep an eye on you guys and she rang me up saying you were in trouble.”

“Edvard tried to kill Dante. He’s badly injured, we need to get him back to the mortal realm.”

“There’s a portal a few miles down the road.”

“What? We travelled all this way when we could have-”

“Sometimes the journey’s more important than the destination- that and Dante doesn’t know about any of those portals. Ancient dragons made them long ago and they have been forgotten by their descendants.” Henry explained picking Dante off the floor.

Henry’s car was waiting nearby and we shoved Dante into the back and drove like mad things to the portal. Passing through it we ended up in an overgrown patch of the castle garden. Quickly we rushed Dante into the castle to the doctors. I waited outside in the castle corridor in freezing wet clothes until Henry finally appeared.

“Dante’s with the doctors right now. He’ll be fine petal. I’ve instructed the servants to prepare a hot bath in your chambers.” Henry said.

“I’m not going.” I said firmly.

“Ebony, your skin looks a tad blue. Please go and warm up for me. I will stay with Dante and look after him.” Henry instructed.

In all the pandemonium I hadn’t notice how hard my teeth were chattering together. Reluctantly I agreed. I didn’t want to leave Dante because I was afraid Edvard might come back but then I had to remind myself that we were back in the castle surrounded by a legion of guards and soldiers. There was no real need to worry but still I felt so uneasy. Slowly I made my way back to the chamber where a hot bubble bath was waiting by the fire. I sank straight into the hot water and tried to relax but Edvard’s cruel smile kept swimming around my head. I had never hated another living being as much as I hated my brother. I had never wished death upon anyone before but I had tonight. Edvard had to be killed.

I got out the bath and changed into a long black dress and quickly made my way towards the room where Dante was being treated. I was almost there when the whispering began. The dragon was calling me to her. My heart wrenched as I changed course and descended deep into the belly of the castle where the dragon was kept. The corridor where the aviary lay was silent and unguarded. I quietly slipped along the passage way and through the door into the giant natural cavern. Descended the dimly lit staircase I found myself in front of the dragon’s cage.

“Nessie was a lie.” I said flatly.

“You sound a little disappointed Ebony.” The dragon replied from the shadows.

“I don’t know what to think or feel any more.”

“What about Dante? Do you love him?”

“I thought I hated him, but after almost losing him tonight I think quite the opposite.”

“People are dynamic, Ebony, sometimes they change.”

“I don’t know. Rationally I realise that the past should contradict how I feel about him but I can’t help but-” I struggled to say the words.

“Love him?” The dragon asked thoughtfully.

I paused and changed the subject, “My brother nearly killed Dante.”

“Yes and you saved him.”

“I was able to use my powers in the mortal world and something strange happened. White light appeared out my hands- it was so weird… I wonder if it was some kind of raven power?” I pondered.

The dragon didn’t comment. Instead she lay on the stone cold floor and breathed a heavy sigh.

“You have one last task to complete and then all your sins will be forgiven and peace will be restored.”

“Please tell me it involves killing Edvard.”

“Unfortunately not although if you wish to do so is entirely your own choice. The task I require you to complete will challenge you on whole different level. It will require great strength of heart and will. Should your perseverance or determination falter then you will fail.”

“Okay, I won’t let you down.”

“I’m encouraged by your enthusiasm Ebony. You have certainly grown in character since we first met.”

“I didn’t think I was that bad before.”

“I never said you were bad.”

“Great so what is the final challenge?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Seriously? Is it like a mystery? I have to guess.”

“No, but by the end of tonight you will know what your task.”

“Okay.” I said feeling uncertain.

“Complete the task and you will bring peace between the dragons and vampires.”

“What about Morgan?”

“Morgan does not need your help. She has her own journey to fulfil.”

“I really miss her.” I sighed.

“You should go,” the dragon said lifting its head like it was listening to something, “They are looking for you.”

“Well, if you want me, just whisper or do whatever the hell it is you do.” I shrugged.

“Goodbye Ebony, I’m glad we met.” The dragon said.

I blinked, it was like she was saying bye for the last time. I smiled and waved a bye and left the cavern. Heading back upstairs. One more task and that’s it, I get world peace, my best friend and Dante. Smiling to myself I practically skipped all the way back to the treatment room where Dante was. I intended to sit by his side and hold his hand until he had awoke. Suddenly I heard Dante’s voice echoing down the corridor from the treatment room, I broke out into a run and pushed past the guards into his room. Dante was sat upright, not a single bruise or cut on his skin. I walked forward a couple of steps but suddenly Henry appeared at my side grabbing my arm.

I looked across at Henry’s face which a pale ashen white. The internal joy inside me began to ebb away as a feeling of worry and panic crept over me.

“What is it?” I asked, “What’s wrong?”

My gaze drifted to Dante who was staring at me strangely. Henry pulled me away, trying to get me out the room, but Dante called out,

“Henry, what are you doing?”

Henry stopped and for a moment I thought Dante was going to order him to release me. But instead Dante asked Henry,

“Who is that girl?”

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