The Raven Girl- chapter 20

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When I saw the wings sprouting from my back I thought Dante had put them there as some sort of perverted fancy dress fettish. I leaned forward and suddenly saw the wings twitching in the mirror- they were alive. Like seeing some sort of creepy crawly on my arm, I screamed. Something was stuck on to my back and all that I could logically come up with in a space of second was that Dante had superglued some sort large bird on to my back for whatever psychotic and madman like scheme only a perverted vampire could concieve of. I jumped up in panic and began pulling at the wings. Dante tried to calm me but the more the wings moved the more frightened I became and the more frighten I became the more the wings began to beat. The large wing span began accidentaly knocking over items and furniture. I twisted and turned around the room causing more destruction. Dante called for help and a group of guards ran in with large leather straps that I instantly recognised although I had never seen them before. Two guards seized me while the other wrestled with the massive wings binding them with the leather straps and buckling the wings down.

“Get them off of me.” I cried, tears pouring down my cheeks. Dante looked at me with an anguished expression. In the few seconds I had realized I had wings I had spiralled into a panic and thought of the most stupidest irrational explanation for these wings. But now in the arms of these guards I realized why I was the sister of raven. These wings were my own. I wanted to cry all over again for an entirely different reason. In that moment I felt like I had lost my humanity, I was as Henry had described an immortal not a human. The hope of going back to the world I grew up in and to the human family who had loved me so much  died in that instant. I really did come from this Hellish place.

Dante moved towards me and I flinched away, he stopped immediately and said, “I will leave you with your own thoughts tonight.” He said waving to the guards to let me go.

I dropped to the floor as the guards let me go. They left the room followed by Dante. I curled up on to the floor I cried until my eyes ached, my throat felt raw and my head was pounding in agony. Then when I had lost the enegy to cry I lay there on the floor for the rest of the day and night staring vacantly at the wall consumed in my own private hell.

When the sun had gone down I picked myself up from the floor. I had lost my world and my family, but I hadn’t lost my best friend. Morgan was in this world being hunted down by Dante and his coven of crazy vampires. I still had Morgan. I got up and got washed for her sake.

Staring at myself in the mirror with the new extension I had on the back was really odd. Kind of like getting a new hair cut or dying your hair a different colour, my whole self was entirely altered. Looking down at the floaty white night dress I wore a thought crossed my mind- clothes. How was I supposed to get dressed with this giant hunk of feathers in the way? Going to the wardrobe I picked out a long dark crimson dress and miserably attacked it with a pair of scissors. A great jagged hole gaped in the back of the dress which I managed to poke my wings through. Unfortunatly not being much of a seamstress I had over estimated the size of the cut and the hole not only revealed all my lower back, but my panties as well. Throwing off the dress I picked another one…and ruined that one too, and another and another until I had no dresses left.  Throwing the scissors across the room furiously I gave up. I’d have to wait for Dante to come and help me, and it didn’t take long.

Dante appeared half an hour later, “Have you calmed down?” He asked like I was some naughty little kid who had been sent up to their room.

“I’m finding it hard to maintain inner kind of tranquillity after having everything I hold dear to me being destroyed.”

“I’m sorry I lost my temper and threw you out.” Dante interjected trying to mollify me.

“Well before you lose your temper again would you be so kind as to sort me out some new clothes. I said dryly.

“The seamstress is coming up as we speak to alter your own clothes.”

I winced and glanced to the pile of shredded dresses in the corner of the room.  Dante turned to see what I was looking at and froze, he forced a sympathetic smile and said,

“Don’t worry we can have new dresses made.”

I didn’t respond, instead I walked over to the bed and miserable sat down. Life had been really shit these past couple of days. Dante came and sat next to me on the bed. He took my hand is his and said,

“Look, I know I haven’t been the best husband in the world and you probably hate me more than anyone else on this plane existence right now. But I swear to you, that I will make you happy one day Ebony.”

I looked into his green eyes for a brief second and forced a fake smile. Even if Dante was being sincere there was no way I was going to stay here. Leaning forward I pressed a kiss against the corner of his mouth, “I know you will.” I smiled.

His eyes studied mine with suspicion and surprise. Believe me, trust me, I pleaded internally. Fall into my trap so that I can be free of you and the wretched prison and find my best friend Morgan.

<*Hey guys, just wanted to wish you a happy easter, may your easter weekend be filled with lots of super cute bunnies, chickies and chocolatey goodness ^.^ *>

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