The Raven Girl- Chapter 22

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Catherina tried to pull me away as I watched Romala run out of sight. I don’t think Catherina realised what she had just let slip. Turning to her I asked casually, “How many people in that room have lost family in the wars?”

The smile fell from Catherina’s face as she suddenly realized what she had said and what I was asking her. Waving a hand she forced a fake smile and said, “Do not trouble yourself with such trivia, your highness.”

“The dead are not  a trivial matter. How many people in that room have lost friends and family because of the war that I caused?”

“Your highness, the wars have been going on for many centuries I do not wish for you to become distress over matters that happened such a long time ago.” Catherina replied.

But we were immortal. In the mortal world, we took our grievances and pain with us through out our lives. The pain we suffer for a lost one stays with us until the grave. Immortals will live with their grief forever. I didn’t want to go into that room and face those people. In their eyes I was nothing better than a murderer. I distanced myself from Catherina who was looking increasingly pale probably with the worry of displeasing Dante.

“I’m sorry, I can’t.” I said apologetically walking away.

Catherina watched wide eyed as I walked away. I needed to talk to Dante, I needed to understand what happened back then. Back tracking I went back to the dining hall where Dante still sat quietly. He looked up in surprise as I approached him, “Why are you not with your ladies?” he asked almost angrily.

“Dante, I can’t do this.” I said bluntly.

His eyes darkened, “You will do this.” He said sharply.

“I feel like the guy who went back in time and trod on a butterfly and came back to a changed world. Except I don’t remember anything. All I know was that after I left a war began which killed people. I am to blame for all their deaths.” I said.

Dante took a deep breath and got up from his chair and took my hands in his, “Ebony you did not cause this war. The dragons did. You were going to be my special bride and the ruler of the dragons couldn’t bear to see this. He and that blasted fox tricked you and took you away from me.” He said.

“But everyone said I ran away.”

“They’re LYING!” Dante almost violently screamed. He pulled me into his arms crushing me against his chest.

“Don’t you see, they’re lying. You would never leave me. I know you wouldn’t because you love me so much.” He murmured softly into hair.

I stood numbly in his arms listening to what sounded like Dante trying to delude himself. I didn’t love him unconditionally- I didn’t even know him well enough to love him. I was planning to leave him. I wanted to leave him. Maybe this is what happened, Dante couldn’t face the fact that his love was unrequited and I couldn’t stand to be apart of his delusions so I ran away.

“Did Catherina say this to you then?” Dante demanded angrily.

“No it wasn’t her.” I said.

Dante’s face hardened, “Romala.” He said through gritted teeth.

He moved away and I panicked, I didn’t want to get anyone else into trouble. I grabbed his jacket lapels and threw myself at him,

“Don’t leave me.” I whined pathetically.

Dante paused and looked down at my best puppy dog eyes impression. Dante’s face softened and he wrapped his arms back around me.

“I’m sorry Ebony.” He said softly.

I felt so cheap and phony pretending to be in love with him. He leaned down and caught my lips with his and gave me sweet tender kiss. Electric butterflies danced across my skin and I wondered why I felt like this. Morgan had once kissed a guy that she didn’t like and said it was like kissing a dead fish. So why did Dante ‘s kisses feel so alive? I curled my fingers around the lapels of his jacket as he tried to pull away and brought his lips back against mine. What the hell was I doing, I had never been this bold before. I felt the oak table pressing against my legs and Dante lifted me up on to the table. I lay back taking Dante with me. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, I wanted all of him in that moment so badly but there was one thing I had forgotten- my wings. As I laid back taking Dante with me my wings still bound by the leather straps painfully twisted. I screamed loudly and Dante jumped off.

Breathing heavily I felt myself coming back down to earth. Dante was staring at me as well as the six servants standing behind him. Embarrassed I wiped my mouth with the back of my sleeve and quickly excused myself. I needed some fresh air, I felt so hot and my dress felt so tight. What the hell had happened back there- why did allow myself to get lost in the moment

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