The Raven Girl - chapter four- shiver

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Finally I was face to face with my tormentor, the man who had tricked me into wearing this cursed ring. Prince Dante towered over me with a look of smug arrogance. He was obviously pleased with himself that he had finally captured me. I stood before him, bedraggled, wet and shivering. Prince Dante touched my arm and softly clucked his tongue,

“You are freezing.” He said concerned.

Well you just dragged me across a cold moor into a tunnel of even colder water- of course I’m freezing! I wanted to scream at him but for some reason I held back. I found it hard to look up at his face without feeling really nervous and uncomfortable. Beautiful people have that effect sometimes. Instead I averted my gaze to the floor and replied quietly.

“I want to go home.”

Prince Dante caught my chin with his gloved hand and tilted my head up to meet his eyes. His green eyes caught mine and held me prisoner,

“You are home Ebony.” He said.

The crowd cheered and with one fluid motion Prince Dante swept me off my feet and strode through the crowd. I lay stiffly in his arms shivering uncontrollable against his chest. I felt too cold and exhausted to argue although I was determined to go back home.

“There is a warm bath being prepared for you in my chambers,” He said.

His chambers, I noted to myself. Why was I having a bath in his chambers?

“I fear you may catch pneumonia from inhaling the water so I have sent for a physician.”

“A physician?” I parroted.

“Ebony you look terribly pale.”

“Sorry to be so much trouble.” I said feeling woozy.

Closing my eyes I thought about taking a little nap. Prince Dante was calling my name but it didn’t seem to reach me. I slipped out of consciousness.

This wasn’t the first time I had been cold or I had seen those green eyes. I remember them clearly like they were my own memories but they were not my memories. There was mountains and snow, then there was Prince Dante, and then there was… ravens. Beautiful black ravens against the falling mountain snow.

“Ebony.” The eat voice brushed against my ear sending little electric pulses down my neck. I shifted comfortably and felt the heavy weight of warm blankets on top of me. Fluttering my lashes up I was greeted by those green eyes staring down at me.  Prince Dante was propped up on one elbow lying next to me topless- possibly naked as he was under the blanket too. For one surreal moment I thought this was a dream but then Prince Dante lifted his hand to tenderly caress my cheek.

“So many years I have waited for your return and now you are finally here my princess.” He said in velvetly smooth tone that made me want to melt.

I stared back at him with conflicting feelings of wanting to melt right into him and wanting to run far away from him. He looked into my eyes and with a heavy sigh declared,

“I need you now.”

Prince Dante closed his eyes and leaned down towards my face. There was a deathly silence for a second followed by a loud crack as the flat of my hand hit the side of his face. Prince Dante sat bolt upright rubbing his jaw looking absolutely astounded by me.

Scrambling to the opposite side of the bed I snapped,

“What the hell was that!”

Prince Dante gave me dark furious look, “I see the human world has taught you some bad habits.”

“That was self-defence you crazy kidnapping pervert!”

“Excuse me?”

“What were you thinking hopping into to bed with an unconscious girl?”

“The doctor suggested it because you were suffering from hypothermia.”

“Well you could have left your clothes on!”

“Ebony, I am tired and wish to sleep. These trivial arguments can wait until tomorrow but I cannot rest peacefully without you by my side.”

“No way. I’ll find somewhere else to sleep.” I said getting out of bed.

I only took a few steps before my feet were lifted off the ground and I was dumped back into the giant bed. Prince Dante climbed into the bed and wrapped his arms around me saying,

“We can do this two ways Ebony, either you behave yourself or I will make you behave.”

“I’m sorry, I just object to sleeping next to a man who nearly drowned me today.”

Prince Dante stiffened his hold tightening, “For that I am truly sorry, Ebony. I once again failed at protecting you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Go to sleep now. The sun is rising above us.”

“Wait, why are we going to sleep at dawn?”

“Did I forget to mention I was a vampire?” Prince Dante replied casually.

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