The Raven Girl - chapter 11

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I wasn’t going to put up with this nonsense for a moment longer. I had no idea how I was going to overcome Dante with my weak human feebleness but I had an idea which would at least give me a head start. There were four exits around the room and I had been watching the servants very carefully to see which door they. My logic was that the door the servants used would be the door that went down to the kitchen. Now Henry used the door on the northern side so I didn’t want to take that one incase he was close by.  Dante and I had entered through the western door so that left only one door which if I was unlucky could be the broom cupboard. Taking a deep breath I lifted my chin up so my eyes met Dante’s green stare. Softening my expression I lowered my lashes and said,

“Dante, that Henry guy was really scary.”

Dante sensing my female vulnerability placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and said, “I would never let anyone hurt you.”

“I know, but I’m so scared of this place, those vampire and my- my feelings.”

It was a line made of stilton straight off the cheese board of bad romance books and films. Dante’s eyes widened slightly clinging on to the word 'feelings'. Hesistating I wondered if he would see past the cheesey façade of bad acting, or maybe, just maybe he would take the bait. Dante inched closer his breathing becoming heavier and deeper- looks like I caught me a fish. He stood closely to me gazing into my eyes. I reached out and gently placed the flats of my palms against his chest. He took another step closer. I fluttered my eyelashes down for a second- I remembered this from every romantic comedy I have ever watched- then lifted my eyes up to his slowly leaning up to his face. I watched his eyes close shut anticipating some passionate make out session on the dining table. Unfortunately for him he had been suckered into my plan. Instead of our lips colliding my knee made contact with his groin. I knew nothing about the weaknesses of vampires but I knew everyman’s greatest weakness. There was a sharp gasp of pain as Dante doubled over. I spun away and ran. Hoarsely he called after me but I was gone.

The likelihood of Dante catching me was pretty high but I was desperate. I felt like a animal caught in a trap, I was seriously contemplating chewing off my own foot to get myself free. Outrunning Dante was out of the question, so I needed to hide. The castle corridors were not exactly signposted, so I ran through random doors hoping that out of sheer fluke I would come across a good hiding spot.

As I moved I heard the distant echo of doors banging. Dante was moving in on me, fast. Stopping I slipped into a side room and hid behind the curtain. Holding my breath I listened as a second later Dante exploded into the room.

“Come out right now!” He screamed.

Trembling behind the curtain I felt the ring on my finger start to heat up. Another set of footsteps entered the room and I heard Henry’s voice,

“Come out, come out wherever you.” He called like a pantomine villian.

“That tone of voice is going to frighten her even more!” Dante sighed.

“Mate, she kicked you in the balls.” Henry said frankly, “That right there is guts, she’s not a coward.”

“Thank you Henry for your insight.”

“Shhh,”Henry said, “Listen.”

I didn’t breath or blink. I kept still behind the curtain listening. A few moments passed and finally Dante broke the silence.

“Go to the east wing while I check the next guest suite.” Dante said.

“Okay boss.” Henry replied.

When I heard them leave I crept out from behind the curtain and glanced about the empty room. There was no sign of Dante or Henry. Moving across the floorboards I crept towards the door at the far side of the room. My heart was hammering in my chest. Then suddenly, as I put one foot in front of the other disaster struck. A squeaky floorboard. The horrible whine filled the room. I instantly froze. The door flew open and two arms clamped either side of me,

“Hello poppet.” Henry breathed against my neck.

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