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"Whose body ?" Afreen asks because I seem to lose the ability to speak.

" Zayed's.. body.. was not ..found at the scene. They are still searching for him to see if he was also thrown out of the car or was burnt in the car beyond repair "  Zane said quickly stuttering over his words.

I cover my mouth in shock as I stagger back.

" I am sure they will find him because it takes hours before they were able to find Aayan's body too, " He says assuredly.

I was a crying mess already. I cover my mouth as I sob quietly my body shaking vigorously.  I was inconsolable because my son is yet to be found while my daughter and her husband are right inside the ICU fighting for their lives.  Afreen was lost of words as we keep waiting for the doctor to come out of the ICU. Zane already placed a call to Aayan's Dad and I could sense how shock he was at the revelation.

Hours pass by and we still haven't heard anything good from the operation room as the nurses keep trooping in and out.  The surgery takes so long making me feel numb as I keep praying for it to go well.

The door to the operation room finally opens, and that makes us all immediately rush to it. The doctor stands by the door. He opens his mask and sighs, making my heart thump hard against my ribs as I wait in anticipation for what he's going to say. 

I don't even breathe as I await the news.

" How are they ?" Afreen asks the doctor.

" Are you the parent of the lady ?" The doctor asks.

" Yes please ".

" She's out of danger and fortunately she didn't sustain many injuries".

We all heave a sigh of relief.

" Just that... " The doctor stutter.

" What is it, doctor? " I ask fear written all over our faces.

" We lost the baby".

" Baby ?" Afreen and I chorused confusedly.

"  By our observation so far, she was two weeks gone. We were made to know she landed on her stomach when she was thrown out of the car. She had a lot of complications when she was brought in so we had to carry out an emergency abortion to save her life.  She is still unconscious right now but she should wake up anytime soon.

I couldn't believe my ears that Imen was pregnant while being held hostage by her brother. Did she know she was pregnant? Did Zayed know she was pregnant? Was that the cause of the accident? I was happy she's okay but sad she lost her baby.

" She will transfer her to a designated room that way you can see her but please don't be too loud".

" What about the other one ?" Afreen asks.

" You mean the guy that was brought in with her ?" The doctor asks.

" Yes ".

" How are you related to him? " The doctor asks and the question kind of bothers us that something is not right.

" He is .. my daughter's husband," Afreen said.

" What of his parents?" He further asks.

" They should be on their way here but you can tell us anything doc. He is like a son to us " Afreen stated while I nod my head.

" Okay," The doctor says and sighs. We almost lost him several times in the OR but he pulled through. "But he hasn't survived the danger". His voice is filled with concern.  " He still needs to pass the critical point. We have to wait for him.   He had a lot of complications and he sustains internal bleeding because he hit his head on something  which made it severe and worsen his condition. I'm afraid to say in this case, the probability for him to open his eyes again is 50:50".

" You mean to say he's in a coma?" Zane asks.

" Yes. We can only pray he fight for his life. In the meantime, we will transfer him to a designated room putting him on life support " Says the doctor and left.

My heart sinks. I wish everything happening was just a dream. How do we tell Aayan's parents their son is in a coma because of him trying to save our daughter? Zayed's body is yet to be found and we don't know if he's dead or alive and now Aayan is in a coma.

Afreen and Zane left to the accident scene to know if the coroner had found Zayed's body while I was advised to stay with Imen till she wakes up.



I woke up to the beeping of machines and whispering voices.  As my eyes flickered open, I heard someone say, " She's awake!".

" Call the doctor".


I tried to sit up but I was too weak as I feel the extreme headache hit me when a sudden pain rushed through my body. I touched my head and it was wrapped in a bandage as I wince in pain. My mum rushed to me and gently lay me back on the bed.

" Just lay down for a bit till the doctor is back. Your wound hasn't healed yet" She says smiling even though her eyes were bloodshot like she has been crying.

" W..what .. happened?".

I asked, my eyes searching towards hers while her facial expression changed into an uneasy one.

' I remember being in the car with Aayan...


'...Zayed being in the car with us ...'

' The car tumbling and exploding.."

As I slowly remember what happened, my eyes started to tear up...

" M..Mom! Where are they? Aayan? Zayed? How are they? Are they alright? " I asked like I cannot wait for her to answer.

"They...." She stutter.

" M...mom.. please .. answer me .. Where's Aayan? I ask sobbing. I was about to sit upright on the bed when the door suddenly open as the doctor and A'shadieeyah rushed in.

" How are you feeling?" He asks giving me a warm smile while checking my vitals and something on the machine that is connected to me.

" G..Good. Just some slight headache and my stomach hurt " I shortly reply as he finishes what he was doing.

" How's she ?" A'shadieeyah and my mom asked the doctor.

" Her condition is getting better . All she needs to do is get some rest, don't think too much while we observe her to see if there are no hidden complications".

" Thank you so much Doctor," My mum says as he left.

After the doctor left, My mom sat next to me while A'shadieeyah stands in front of me. They both had this sad look they are trying to hide from me as they masked it up with a false smile.

" Where's Aayan?" I ask and they both exchange glances.

" He's alright right?".

" Y..yes, he is, "A'shadieeyah says.

" I want to see him. Where's he?" I say as I try to get down from the bed removing the clip on my finger. They rushed at me trying to prevent me from getting down ." Where's Aayan? I need to see him!" I say as I struggle to free myself from their grip. They both had tears in their eyes.

"He's in a coma" A'shadieeyah blurted out hot tears streaming down her eyes.

I raised my head to look at her shock written all over my face ." He's in Co.." The news was so hard for me to take as I collapse in their arms.


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