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Everything happened so fast as he walks swiftly towards me. He palms my face in his hands as he suddenly catches my lips with his own. I was shocked for a moment but immediately I regain my composure, I shove him away and dish him a hot slap.

I was seething in anger as I look at him with a cold glare.

" What was that for?" I say since I notice he won't talk.

" I think I am in love with you" He blurted out.

" In love with me? " I scoff." is this some sort of joke or something? ".

" I don't even know where to begin because that's a lot to say. I know we are only friends but as we grow closer and I got to see all the small things there's to love about you. I could  feel myself slowly falling for you. I am sorry if I kissed you without your permission. I am sorry for that but I can't just help it. I know this isn't destined to turn to anything more than friendship but I still can't stop hoping that it will".

The truth is I love you. A lot. More than I have ever loved anyone for a long time. And to be honest I have wanted to tell you for a very long time but I was scared. I don't want to screw up what we have, or whatever it is, and I have pretty fallen  damn hard for you.  I love you so much. Everything about you, everything single tiny thing.  You give me a feeling of belonging and for once I feel wanted by someone.

Tears already brim in my eyes as he confesses his love for me. I was trying so hard to control them from falling.

" Please tell me you feel the same way. Please tell me you love me just as I love you or less than I love you " He says and tries to move closer to me.

" Stop! please stop " I say holding my hand out as the tears I was trying to control spill down my eyes.  I angrily wipe my tears away with my palm.

" We can't work, I am sorry".

"  Why, Kimmy? Please tell me what I can do to make it work " He says sadly as tears rolled down his eyes.

" We can't work. There are a lot of things that can't make us work. I'm sorry" I say and turn around but he suddenly pulls me back towards him my hands instantly residing to his chest.

" You can't just walk away from me like that after capturing my heart. I know you love me. it shows in your eyes. See, you can't even look me straight in the eyes again. Kimmy, please don't punish me for something I don't know. Tell me why we can't work at least I can know the reason " He says staring deeply into my eyes.

" We can't just work, " I say as my tears keep spilling uncontrollably.

" Look into my eyes and tell me you don't love me. Look me in the eyes Kimmy and tell me you don't feel anything for me and  I promise not to disturb you again" He half yell.

" Yes! I love you. Are you satisfied? Are you happy to hear me say it? Do you think I also didn't want it to work? I wanted it to work but I don't want to be the second option" I yell at him as I move a little bit back creating a space between us.

" Second option?" He says confusedly.

" Wait.. wait, Do you by any chance means Imen?" He asks as he looks at me but I turn my face away.

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