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" Kill me first " I yell at him trying to distract him so I can use the glass to cut the rope tied around my legs.

" I will never do that Mimi. You need to get married to me, bear my children and grow older with me. I can't kill you because I have made that attempt before " He says and shakes his head like he was recollecting some past events.

The more I am trying to cut the rope with the glass the more I am cutting myself. It was so painful but I had no choice but to endure it. Immediately he looks at me, I quickly stopped and act like I wasn't going through any pain. 

" You know the day I got to know Mom was pregnant, I wasn't happy because I want all the attention to myself. I thought they won't love and care for me the way they always do so I devised a plan. I tiptoed into their room at midnight and tried to snabble  her stomach with a knife but I couldn't find the heart to do it when I look at her sleeping peacefully with Dad ".

I could see shock written on my mom's face at his revelation. He looks at her and gave her a tight smile before looking back at me while Ikram and Amanda had a surprising look on their faces.

He continues.

" I couldn't do it because I know mum is gonna died and I didn't want her to die. I only wanted you to die so I devised another plan which is to pour insecticide into her food so it can abort you. I remember how  I lied to her that I  wanted to show her how happy I was about having a little brother or sister on the way so Dad assisted me in the kitchen into cooking her favorite food and when he went out to check something in his study room, I quickly poured the insecticide content into it.  Guess who ate it? My favorite cat ate it before mum got to the dining table and he died. Do you know how painful that was to me? I feel like getting into mum's stomach and kill you that minute but I don't have the power to do it. I tried every plan in my seven  years old brain but it seems like the universe is bent on keeping you alive.

Thinking about it now, I wonder why mum and dad are not observant why my favorite cat died after eating the food I specifically cooked for her. When all my plans didn't work, I decided to wait patiently until you were born and I keep counting days. I would throw unnecessary tantrums just to get their attention because I was angry the days were going too slow.  I couldn't wait for the day I was going to kill you. Honestly, I thought mum was going to give birth to a boy and that was what grew my anger the most but when she did her gender reveal and it was revealed that you are a girl and seeing the way they were both happy, I knew they were going to love you more than me and that fueled my anger the more.

The day you were born and brought home, I was so happy because I knew you were never going to live to  see the next day. I acted like I was so happy to see you when you were brought home from the hospital so they won't suspect anything. When it was in midnight, I tiptoed to your nursery with the pesticides I was going to pour down your throat. I got into your nursery and quickly opened the pesticides, I was about to pour it down your throat and you did something which captured my heart.

Your little hand held my finger, I was so surprised because it was as if you knew what I was about to do to you. I yanked my finger off and was about to pour the pesticides inside your mouth when you opened your beautiful eyes. I got so captivated that I couldn't do it again and that was when I knew you are mine". 

"Ever since then, my hatred for you turns into an undying love. The more you grow the more I keep falling for you. Mum and Dad sees my love for you but they thought It was a brotherly love which is not true.  I didn't want you out of my sight for a second so when you insist on going to Seneca college, I was scared. I was scared that you were going to fall in love with someone else and it happened.   I kept myself for you and do you know how happy I was when I got to know we are not related by blood. Now tell me why you think I am going to kill you now if I didn't find the heart to do it then".

" You are mine, Imen! ".

" Just look at what you made me do, I had to kill that truck driver to be alive because of you. When the car tumbled, you and Aayan were already out of the car while I was stuck in the back seat. I was trying so hard to unlock the door when the car explodes.  I was screaming so painfully as my clothes and face caught fire, I thought I was going to died not until I saw someone trying to open the door from outside. He opened the door after so much effort and pull me out while I pull him into the fire because I knew I was going to be caught and imprisoned if I was caught by those stupid FBI agents. I ran away with his car to get treatment and I got the shock of my life when I came back and knew you were now living with that bast*Rd.

" How dare you!" He yells as his eyes turn bloodshot like he was suddenly possessed by some demons again.

" I need to kill all of them so you can be mine only, " He says and brings out the gun aiming it at Amanda who was now shivering while the rest of us were pleading with tears streaming down our eyes.

He pulls the trigger and was about to release the bullet when a message notification came through my phone.  I heave a sigh of relief immediately he lowers the gun and heads to the table where my phone was placed. I started cutting the ropes with the glass not minding how it was cutting my flesh too. He was busy reading whatever message was sent to my phone while I was busy cutting the rope tied around my legs and looking at him at the same time.

Ikram looks at me and her eyes widened when she saw my legs full of blood. I shake my head negatively giving her the sign not to make a sound and I could see how her face suddenly glistens with tears seeing me in pain but I have to do it.

After much effort, I was able to free one of my legs so I used my toes to bring the glass into my hands that were tied at the back. I was sweating profusely as I endured the enormous pain I was feeling. I got the glass into my hands when he suddenly turned to look at me and I quickly composed myself.  He looked at me closely as if he was suspecting me and my heart was beating so fast afraid of getting caught.

" Are you okay ?" He asks me as if he didn't just tie me to a chair.

" I ..I..am okay ".

" Good because there's a  good news, " He says flashing me his white teeth. 

" That bast*rd has signed the divorce papers which means you are mine finally. I just sent it to my lawyer to legalized the divorce " He says happily.

I had already free both my two legs.

" It's now the time to kill those who are not in support of me getting married to you, " He says and aims the gun at Amanda while I hurried to loosen the rope tied around my hands.

He pulls the trigger at the same time my hands were free. I run over to him with all my strength before he releases the trigger as I grab hold of the gun.  He was so surprised at how I got freed as we both fall. We were both struggling with the gun and I didn't know where I got the energy to fight with him like that. I guess your inner strength comes out at the point of death.

My mom, Ikram, and Amanda were both screaming at the top of their lungs as they struggle to free themselves with tears flowing uncontrollably down their face.

He was trying to get the gun away from my hands while I refused to let it go. Suddenly, he turns the head of the gun to me and I knew he was going to kill me.  I struggled to turn it to him but he was way stronger than me. I was already losing my strength as two of my fingers slip into the trigger pulling it and the next thing I heard was a gunshot twice.

He standstill and his eyes widened in shock as he looks at me. I didn't feel anything until I look down and my hands are full of blood.


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