Chapter 4 - Vader Unmasked

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Anakin hates this feeling. He feels so exposed now after that brief conversation with Ahsoka that had ended very badly. What's wrong with them? Why did they react like that? He knows it. It's a fact he accepted when he was just a child that no one did anything for him. That no one ever wanted him. Chosen One, General, Knight, Master, and now Sith, yes. But a person? No. He's spent his whole life living up to other people's expectations. There's nothing usual about that. Isn't that what everyone does? That's what Ahsoka did. It's what everyone he knows of did, so what's wrong?

He shakes of those thoughts, not wanting to accidently transmit anything to Ahsoka. The last thing he needs is for them to start asking him things like that again. Next time, he might not just sit back and answer. The only reason he did was because he was still half out of it. The feel of the flames slowly tearing him apart and watching the one person he still trusted despite everything walking away tend to leave him very disoriented and half out of it. Talking gave him something else to focus on.

Hera had taken the Mandalorian and Rex off on a short supply mission, leaving Zeb behind to watch over 'the children'. Anakin is finally taking the time now to wonder what exactly he's supposed to do. It would be nice to just go destroy Sidious and hope Ahsoka can live the rest of her life out in peace, but he's so small he can barely hold a lightsaber, let alone fight with it.

He's not stupid enough to believe he can defeat Sidious with only the Force, though it might be nice to try crawling through some vents in this small form and sneak somewhere to ambush the Sith Lord, or maybe surprise Force-choke him to death. That doesn't mean Anakin is exactly very willing, though. It's extremely risky – not that he cares if he dies, that was most of the reason he went to Malachor in the first place – but he just doesn't think he could handle squeezing into such a small, dark space again. Pathetic. Sidious could already be dead by now if he wasn't such a coward.

"We're not going to be stuck off-missions, will we?" whines Ezra.

"We just defeated three Inquisitors yesterday. Do you really want action again so fast?" Kanan retorts.

"I'm just afraid we'll be stuck like this for the next decade! Besides, we have literally nothing to do right now."

"How do you think it would look on the Rebels to send little children out to the field?" Ahsoka asks.

"No worse than the Jedi," Anakin can't help but retort. It's the first time he's actually said anything in their conversation. He's been actively avoiding everyone – he's used to it anyway – and vice versa.

"Excuse me?" Kanan huffs. "The Jedi didn't send six-year-olds to war."

"I can't say it would shock me," he mutters, staring up at the sky. Zeb had taken them outside to the outskirts of the camp, since everyone agreed they could use some fresh air. It's not a planet Anakin has ever been to before, but it's a pretty barren one. At least they can stay here temporarily. He's not really sure what he should do now, though.

The Sith in him is insisting that he should gather as much information as possible, but he knows logically he owes absolutely nothing to Sidious. He doesn't want to stay there and going back is hardly an option anymore. Sidious would probably have him killed. He may not care of he lives or not, but he has to live long enough to take down the Sith, whether that be another decade or not. If the others would trust him enough give him his lightsaber, they could spend time practicing. But to be fair, it's not as though he's given them a reason to trust him. Maybe he'll have to take it and leave, he's not sure. That would be the best idea. He can't stay here with them. It's not safe for anyone.

The next few hours pass painfully slowly, and he can't help but wonder if the pilots didn't get in some sort of trouble. He doesn't sense anything, though. Eventually, Ezra and the Lasat decide it would be a good idea to 'throw a music party' in the padawan's words. Anakin just rolls his eyes at them when the other three children clamor up atop a pile of crates. "This is where we were the last night we were here," Ezra remarks.

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