Chapter 8 - Conversations

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Author's Note: In which they try and fail to re-age. :')


If you're seeing this chapter and you HAVE NOT reread the previous one, do it

Chapter 7 was rewritten and this chapter WILL NOT make sense without reading the previous one again. :)

~ Amina Gila

He's still not happy about this, but he's right next to the door and Obi-Wan isn't arguing about that. Yet. And Anakin suspects he's a little too tired to panic as much as he was earlier, but he still wants to run.

It's not as though he's unaccustomed to it, though, so instead he gathers himself and forces himself to look up at Obi-Wan. Their height differences are insane. "I'm sorry," he says, knowing and not caring how inadequate it is. There's nothing more he can do, anyway. "I didn't want you to get caught in the middle of this, and I'm sorry I hurt you."

"Who are you right now?" Obi-Wan asks quietly. His expression is closed off, and it's difficult to tell how he's feeling.

In truth, Anakin has no idea, but he won't admit it. "Not your slave," he replies instead, lifting his chin, pretending to be in complete control of this situation. It's laughable, but it makes him feel better, so why not?

Obi-Wan blinks, seeming momentarily confused. "Of course not. You never were."

"That's all I ever was," Anakin retorts. "You threw me aside the moment I wasn't exactly what you wanted me to be anymore." He tries to ignore how it makes him feel, but he keeps talking. He needs to say this. Sabine said he was free, and he needs to remember that. "That is exactly what Sidious would do, too."

"I would never do that to you."

"I was once foolish enough to think so, too."

"What has Sidious told you?" He's always so quick to blame Sidious, isn't he? And Obi-Wan did do everything he could, but it doesn't change the facts. It doesn't change what he did.

"This isn't about him," Anakin snaps. He flinches, nearly catching himself, then decides to keep pushing on, anyway – uncaring if it's suicidal. Why should he? Death is a mercy. "I searched for you for years. I wanted vengeance as much as I wanted you back, and you left me. Again." He inhales shakily, forcing himself to stand firm instead of backing away as he so badly wants to. "And I know you had no reason to, so don't say that."

"I still don't know what you are."

"No one does."

There's a moment of awkward silence before Obi-Wan sighs. "Perhaps you could have come with me, but it matters little. It's all in the past now."

Anakin scoffs. He can't help it. "Come with you? How, exactly? Crawl? Which time are you talking about? I did. Both times." Maybe he is trying to see how long it'll take before Obi-Wan reacts, because talking about this is... ugh. He wants it all to be over. He's tired of living in constant pain. It never goes away and now that he has the chance in front of him, he must... he can't resist. And even now, when he looks at Obi-Wan, some ridiculous part of him wants to see home and comfort like he did years ago. Anakin tries to banish those thoughts from mind, knowing full-well it's pointless, but he can't quite succeed, even if the larger part of his mind is screaming at him to stop intentionally antagonizing Obi-Wan and just hide.

"I see you've been practicing your sarcasm," Obi-Wan replies dryly. There's a weighted look in his eyes, but that's the most Anakin can detect.

"At least I'm not throwing you into fires anymore," he snarks back. Why did he just say that?!?! What is he trying to make happen, anyway?

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