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  "That didn't even count though. She was my ex. It was literally makeup sex." Taehyung rebutted, placing the cold beer by his feet.

Jin held his mouth back. "Okay Dr.Seuss. You seem to talk about it often though."

You and Namjoon were settled on the floor due to commotion on the couch. Hoseok was laying down on his back, taking up all the space.

Taehyung needed to escape the situation quickly, so he pinned it on you. "This should be interesting. What is your most memorable sex experience, y/n?"

You weren't expecting to be called on. You sat up straight, clearing your throat. Only a couple things came to mind. You and Jimin had a lot of car sex. Most of it was memorable because it was sloppy, and loud. Very very loud.

But of course, you've never done anything remotely close to having sex at work. Ever. Especially with the windows open.

"I uhm.."

You looked at Namjoon, longing for his assistance. It was embarrassing. How're you supposed to say that in front of his friends?

He indulged in your panicked eyes, laughing and messing with his ring. Looking down at his hand, he muttered;

"Sex at a Law Firm. Windows wide open."

Everyone in the room froze, unable to answer. They all switched their eyes back in forth between you two.

Your heart pounded and your palms were sweating. "I.."

Namjoon straightened his posture as well. "I'll go next." The guys stupidly looked over at Namjoon.

You were expecting anything but an answer related to you. You're sure he's slept with tons of women. Any answer related to you was a lie.

"Making a beautiful woman cum," He smiled at you, showcasing those dimples. You felt dizzy. Is he trying to kill you? "About 4 times in one night with only my mouth."

Yoongi groaned. "Enough. Jesus I'm so uncomfortable."

"What about you, Yoongs?" Namjoon asked, turning around to face him. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"We all know you have a sex life." He said, punching his leg. "I'm really curious."

"Well..actually so am I. You never tell us anything," Jin added.

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