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later that day the pogues were all lying on the sand just chilling when they heard rustling form the bushes, everyone jumped up, confused, kiara grabbed kai, and jakes hand as jj, john B and pope went to see what it was, 'hello, anybody out there' jj asked, 'yes' a women replied, they all jumped, shocked as they didn't think anybody would answer, 'oh uhm would you come out then?' jj said hesitantly, he looked back at everyone else as they started to back away form the bush as a middle aged women appeared, 'do you have my babies?' she asked, every ones faces went wide, 'laura?!' everyone said at the same, she nodded with a smile, 'oh wow' kiara said as she walked over to her with both the kids, 'mummy' jake said as he ran over to her, 'hey jake' she said as she hugged him, after hugging him she got up and walked over to kiara who was holding kai, 'kai' she said as she picked him up, kiara smiled at them as she looked so happy to have her kids back again, but something felt of, they all thought it.

a few moments later when they were all on the beach, the pogues decided to talk to laura, 'if you dont mind me asking, where did you go' kiara asked, 'oh, well i went to find a boat for you lot and for me to leave this island' every ones faces went wide, they were shocked and happy, 'wow why' jb asked, 'well initially i needed to get of this island myself so i left the boys here and went to find one, but seeing how well you lot took care of them i figured you deserved and need to go home to' she said with a smile, everyone looked at her in aw, 'well did you get a boat' jj asked, she was hesitant to answer, 'yes... but i can only get it here by tomorrow' everyone smiled that was perfect for them, one more day at the Caribbean and then home, 'thats fine' sarah said.

'so how were the boys' laura asked, kiara smiled, 'they were perfect' kiara said, 'aww good' laura replied, kiara was hesitant to speak but said it anyways, 'k- kai also said his first word' laura looked at her in shock, 'oh wow, really' she asked, 'yeah, he said kie kie' she added, with a faint smile as she gripped jjs hand a bit tighter out of nervousness, he felt it and looked at her giving her a kiss on the cheek, 'dont stress' he whispered as he kissed her, she nodded,

'oh uhm, who is kie kie then?!' laura asked a bit more sternly, 'me, i am, well my names kiara but they call me kie...' she waffled, laura had an angry look on her face that soon turned soft into a smile, 'wow uhm your names beautiful, im guessing you looked after the boys the most then' she asked, everyone was shocked thinking she would have a big go at kiara, 'well yeah me and my boyfriend jj' she added, jjs heart lit up at the word boyfriend, he smirked at her before nodding, 'thank you, im glad they had you this week' she said before standing up, 'so basically in order for me to get the boat by tomorrow i would have to leave about now, so if you dont mind being with the boys for one more night' she said, kiara smiled, 'of course' she said as jake came running towards her, 'KIE KIE!' he squealed, he ran into her arms as she picked him up on her lap.

laura watched them with sympathetic eyes, seeing how comfortable the kids were with them and how well they looked after them.

'whats wrong bubba' she said, suddenly feeling a surge of guilt wash over her as she called him bubba in front of laura, she squeezed jjs hand again, he knew something was wrong but he didn't know what so he just sat there to comfort her, 'vere is a fider' he squealed, (it means spider if you didn't know) kiaras face went into a fake shocked expression, 'no way! i think this is a job for jj' kiara said with a smirk as she looked at jj, 'yef, uhm chay chay?' he said making everyone laugh, obviously eh couldn't pronounce his j's, jj rolled his eyes with a smiled, 'yes chake' he said back to him, he gasped, shaking his head slowly, 'vats not my name' he said with a giggle, 'well what is your name then' he said a he picked him up and started tickling him, the boys giggle was so cute making kiara start laughing, jj carried on, 'alright thats enough jj, he cant breathe' she said as she picked him up, he was giggling at just the sight of jj, kiara then looked at laura, who was in an awe expression as she needed to now go.

'hey jake, your mummy has to go, but she will be back tomorrow ok, so do you wanna say bye bye' he nodded a she didn't quite understand why she was leaving, kiara walked over and put jake in front of her, 'bye bye mummy' he said as he hugged her, 'bye jake, ill be back tomorrow ok' she said to reassure him he nodded as he ran back over to jj, jj picked him up as he waved her of, she quickly said bye to kai then left.


a few hours later everyone was in bed except jj, kiara and the boys, they were carrying the kids, walking up and down the beach to try get them to sleep, 'why was you so anxious tonight' jj asked, she looked at him confused, 'how did you know' she asked him, he looked at her with a smile, 'you've done the same thing since we were like 5, you squeeze my hand and then lightly push down on each of my knuckles 3 times' she looked at him in aw and confusion, the fact that he took these things to such notice even when they were little, and then how she didn't even know she did this, 'wow we've been holding hands that long' she laughed, he let out a chuckle, 'anyways why were you so nervous' he asked again, she sighed, 'i dont even know, i think its just because of the fact that the women who abandoned her kids came back and just like... talked to us like everything was normal a- and its not, we are here looking after her kids while she goes out to get a boat? like where is she getting that from and why would she do that or us...because we looked after her kids, like no-' jj cut her off with a kiss, she smiled at him as they touched for heads, 'hey calm down, its ok we'll figure it out tomorrow but tonight can you please just be here... with me' he said softly, she smiled at him, i mean how couldn't she, 'ok' she said as she took a breathe, 'im here' she said, 'good' he said as he took a step closer to kiss her, then finally heading back so they could go sleep.

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